From the point of view of predictive astrology, the natal chart of JK Rowling, born on July 31, 1965 in the county of Gloucestershire, in the southwest of England, is very easy to read. According to her sidereal chart, she was born in the Libra ascendant, the placement of the planets in her chart reads as follows: Ketu (dragon’s tail) in the second house, Scorpio; Saturn in the fifth house, Aquarius; Jupiter and Rahu (dragon head) in the eighth house, Taurus; Sun in the tenth house, Cancer; Venus, Moon and Mercury in the eleventh house, Gemini; Mars in the twelfth house, Virgo.

For the native of Libra the ascendant Saturn is the most important planet, being the lord of the angle, fourth house, Capricorn: and the fifth trinal house, it becomes absolutely a functional benefit. His presence in the fifth, his day house, is only close to being in the sign of Libra, his exaltation. The placement of Saturn in his chart is truly first class.

Jupiter, the lord of the third and sixth houses, two weak positions for this ascendant, is a functional malefic. His placement in the eighth is excellent as he creates a vipareet raja yoga, which literally means ruling combination by reversal of negative effects (his relationship with Rahu has weakened him further). The third house, among other things, represents bad thoughts, placing his lord in the eighth will destroy bad thoughts and leave good thoughts behind, which is good for a career as a writer. The indications of the sixth house: fear, difficulties, enemies, ill health, debts will have a similar fate, that is, destruction.

Presence of the lord of the seventh house (spouse), Mars in the twelfth, the waste of the house, wandering far from the place of birth, loss, aptly describes his move from England to Portugal, his marriage in the year 28 (the year of Mars) and divorce almost a year later.

The location of the Sun, the lord of the eleventh house, and the device of three auspicious planets, the Moon, Mercury and Venus in the tenth (Half Heaven), exchanging position with the Moon is also excellent. The tenth location (profession/occupation) is best for the Sun, as it gives it full directional strength. This royal planet and ruler of the zodiac grants immense fame to the native, its interchange with the Moon (another royal planet that represents the imagination, among other things) signifies fame through imagination.

The presence of three auspicious planets in the eleventh means three sources of income. The combination of the 1st (Venus meaning native), 9th (Mercury representing luck) and 10th (Moon, profession) lords aspecting Saturn to each other is creating a very formidable ruling combination: relationship between the lords of three angles ( 1st, 4th, 10th) and three trines (1st, this house is both an angular and trinal house, 5th and 9th) with interchange of 10th and 11th lords is the weirdest of the weird.

Moon conjunction, profession, imagination; Mercury, writing, speaking; and Venus, native, is obviously making a huge income from writing.

But because of the bad location of Mars, all its good and bad planets are located favorably, giving rise to a phenomenon called Harry Potter through JK Rowling.