Computers today are prone to developing all sorts of bugs that make them non-functional for a while. One of those errors is the runtime error r6002.

Causes of runtime error R6002

There are several causes behind this error. One of the most prominent is a broken link. This hook, in addition to causing runtime error 06002, can also cause other errors, such as the computer not responding to any instructions at times. If a software has not been installed correctly, it can also cause this type of error. Other than that, using the Internet without any antivirus software can cause your computer applications to get infected with spyware and viruses. Such viruses can produce missing links within your registry that cause such errors.

So what is the Windows Registry?

The runtime error r6002 can be caused by a glitch in the Windows registry. In this place, Windows stores all your data and hardware files that regulate the operations of these registry entries. These entries are important because Windows uses them to create documents and access user profiles. All PC programs are also stored in this place. This type of error can cause the computer to occasionally freeze, displaying the screen message runtime error r6002 floating point support not loaded. There is no need to panic when you get such a message on the screen as fixing it is quite easy.

How to fix runtime error R6002

Whenever you see Microsoft Visual C++ runtime error r6002, there’s no need to feel scared. You can install a repair software that will scan all the errors and fix them or you can do it yourself. It will also improve the efficiency of your PC. Other than that, you can also diagnose other errors with it. Such registry cleaners do not take long to fix the error, except for a few minutes. You may not be able to perform a registry cleanup on your own, since you are unaware of the registry entries that cause such errors.