From Fat Burning Belts to Fat Burning Exercise: Help or Hype?

It’s pretty obvious from the nonstop ads for fat burning pills, fat burning belts, and the myriad of other “instant miracle” products that promise a leaner, more muscular person, that fat burning is the latest health craze. . But what is a fact and what is an exaggeration?

Can building muscle and burning fat happen at the same time?

You’ve probably seen advertisements for various fat burning belts and wondered if they really work. It seems so easy, doesn’t it? Strap on a belt, ditch the fat-burning exercise, and watch those firm, beautiful muscles magically appear. Unfortunately, when it comes to fat burning and basic good health, there is no substitute for a good exercise program. Now, that doesn’t mean joining a high-priced gym and working out a killer “six pack.” Surprisingly, intense bodybuilding doesn’t seem to burn more body fat than low-intensity exercise. Burning body fat and building muscle at the same time can be very well accomplished with a little low-impact exercise.

If the great outdoors isn’t your thing, many exercise machines can provide a great fat-burning workout. Stair climbers offer an excellent resistance workout, burning calories while toning your leg and glute muscles. However, for less impact and less stress on your knees and ankles, a good treadmill may be your best option. You can set your own pace, burn off those pesky calories and fat, and still get a great aerobic workout.

Get warm with a warm-up routine

So how should you start getting slimmer and healthier? Your fat burning workout should always start with some basic warm up exercise routines. However, be very careful with aggressive stretches. Those wonderfully agile runners who lift their legs impossibly against their backs are probably doing more harm than good. Why? Because muscles need to warm up before they are flexible enough to stretch safely. Try something simple, like an arm circle or leg movement. You’ll find that your muscles respond better and faster to any exercise, including fat burning, when you start this type of dynamic stretching.

Your next step to burning fat is consistency. The old saying “no pain, no gain” should really be “with pain, no gain.” You really do your body more harm than good when your workout is so intense that you become a sore and stiff couch potato for days at a time. The key is to listen to your body. Don’t push the pain, asking your body to do something akin to torture. As clinicians, we see countless painful injuries that could have been prevented with a sensible and consistent exercise program. So exercise and keep your body moving to burn body fat and lose weight, but also be aware of your body’s natural limitations.

Ladies, tap into your hidden strength

When it comes to weight and resistance training, men definitely don’t have a corner in the market. Women may have smaller body frames than men, but strength is not defined by gender. While most women don’t want to look like muscular bodybuilders, the female physique can reap a lot of benefits from moderate weight and resistance training. This type of fat-burning exercise not only helps your body burn calories and fat, but it’s also fantastic for healthy bones. Osteoporosis is a very real threat to women, and weight and resistance training effectively combats this crippling disease, keeping you young and energetic with healthy, strong bones.

you are what you eat

As much as we’d all like to believe the “eat whatever you want and still lose weight” hype, the fact is that we all need a healthy diet. Exercise to burn fat and calories can’t be effective if your diet is full of McDonald’s, Snickers, and Coca-Cola. Ask your doctor about a sensible low-calorie diet, and also check out some low-fat, low-glycemic foods. Some of these healthy foods are even rich in flavor and completely filling! Remember, your body needs a certain amount of calories and fat to function at its best, so never go hungry. Instead, watch unwanted fat melt away when you combine your fat-burning exercise routine with a fat-burning diet.

So are you ready for a new you? With a little willpower and persistence, a beautiful new world of good health, increased energy, and of course, a fantastic, fit body is within your grasp. Whether you’re in your teens or enjoying retirement, you can discover a new zest for life and truly enjoy what you see in the mirror. So get up, get active and get ready to be amazed!