You may know her as the co-founder of, but Zuzka Light (aka Zuzana Light) is taking the internet by storm on her own as one of America’s most popular online fitness personalities. Her website is packed with free weekly workout videos and tons of exercise, fitness, and nutrition tips… but it’s her recently released ZCUT Power Cardio series that’s really making a splash! While there are tons of exercise and fitness DVDs out there, this one caught my eye recently as a “best seller” on Amazon, so for an affordable $15.99 I ordered a set to see what all the fuss is about. . If you are looking for a great home workout that is easy to learn and most importantly easy to commit to… then ZCUT is for you! Your goal is to complete one workout per day for a total of 12 weeks.

Zuzka Light Exercise & Fitness DVD 3 Disc Series

My favorite aspect of this series is that it is packed into easy to administer 15-20 minute workouts. I found that many exercise and fitness DVDs expect the viewer to commit to long workouts. As a personal trainer, I understand and appreciate my clients’ time constraints. Busy schedules and hectic lifestyle demands don’t always lead to overly complicated sweat sessions.

Disc One covers workouts 1 – 4 and kicks your butt with exercises like Burpees, Jump Tucks, Kick Ups and even introduces you to Tabata Training. Tabata training falls under the category of High Intensity Interval Training or (HIIT). These are short, intense workouts that are designed to stimulate fat loss. When you get into Zuzka’s time challenges, believe me, you’ll be sweating!

Disc two gives you workouts 5 through 8 and takes you through a series of fat-melting, heart-pounding moves like High Knee Chair Toe Touch, Superheroes, and Reptiles. Don’t be scared by the names of the exercises! I want to reiterate that these are all workouts you can do at home! No equipment is needed, and there are no complicated choreographed routines to memorize.

Buy ZCUT Power Cardio 3 Disc DVD Set by Zuzka Light

Disc three walks you through workouts 9-12, and once you get to disc 3, you’ve more than earned the title of one of Zuzka’s WarriorZ! Congratulations! But there’s no time to rest… you’re on your way to Mountain Climbers, Competition Burpees and Pike Jumps… not to mention slimmer and sexier!

Each of the 3 DVDs introduces you to his workouts with a warm up routine, and each comes with its own bonus abs workout! If that wasn’t enough, a free calendar is included with your DVD purchase to keep track of our workouts, monitor your progress and keep you motivated.