When you think of cheats in WOW, you can also refer to World of Warcraft Exploits. Exploits really aren’t that much different, except that a Cheat can get you banned, while an exploit will. Either way, you are taking a risk, so think carefully about using them.

If you’re not sure what a World of Warcraft Exploits is, consider some of these examples. Killing a hunter pet without any cast time occurs by clicking revive pet while the pet is out. Disposes of the pet without repercussions for doing so incorrectly. This is an exploit and you have been warned.

Using something other than normal pet food to feed them. Pets have specific diets and if you find a way to feed them something that is not designed for them and does not cause harm, be careful, this is an exploit. However, you can give your pet 10 food items at a time and it will change the mood from red to happy.

Obtaining unlimited Hearthstone by misusing the auto unlock feature is also an exploit. Getting rid of the Deserter Debuff by skipping battles and arenas without taking a penalty is also an Exploit.

There are World of Warcraft exploits that are legal, one of those exploits is stealing another player’s guild raid id and using it for yourself. I know this doesn’t sound legal but it really is. The Blizzard of World of Warcraft doesn’t think someone can steal your BWL, AQ40, or even Naxx ID; they think you just gave it to them. However, it has happened and it will happen again.

There are hundreds of exploits and some are legal for one reason or another, but many are not. You have to continually remember that if you choose to use a World of Warcraft Exploit, you can get caught and banned. Many will search for exploits because they are tired of having to follow the rules, others will use exploits especially when used on them, and some simply to see how far they can go without getting caught.

There are legal ways to advance in the World of Warcraft game, you just have to look in the right places.