Regarding “The Lakeland, Florida Revival” I, as a licensed Foursquare minister, received an email from President Jack Hayford, a very humble, godly, and wise man of God. I attended King’s College in Van Nuys, CA for a week and was very blessed. at the School of Pastoral Nutrition with Pastor Jack and his gracious staff a

Much more than a seasoned instructor, Pastor Jack is a relatable, warm and approachable spiritual father. He had us all inside the school I attended, to his house for dinner and a time of fellowship in the Lord. His purity and humility precede his wisdom, opening a wide door of expression for him. Not to mention, Pastor Jack has a strong, proven life of character and a fruitful ministry that has impacted countless lives across the earth.

That said, some of the wise words about the “Lakeland revival” (which I attended and a friend from New Zealand prophesied before it happened here in Florida), are worth noting and paying serious attention so that we are not caught by bad. heart of disbelief or an arrogant heart of boasting proud of ourselves. Only Christ is the rock of the ages and the Savior of our soul in whom we must trust.

The following was provided by Foursquare President Pastor Jack Hayford in response to the many questions that have been received regarding the “Lakeland Revival.”

Pastor Jack wrote, “… it is too early to say anything in any term. Understandably, reports of miraculous blessings would cause rejoicing in anyone who believes that God does, in fact, work miracles in our time … It has not been the The practice of the Foursquare Church to hastily draw conclusions in such situations. Our own history as a movement is marked by miraculous visitations, both in the United States and in many nations around the world where our ministry extends, wise and trustworthy leaders despised by cynics. , sometimes even despised by church leaders who oppose miracles in our time in any term. That is one reason why our general response is to be “slow to speak”, as the Bible instructs ( James 1:19) It is for the same reason that we tend to position ourselves as did Gamaliel (Acts 5: 34-41), the rabbi whose influence, according to the apostle Paul has shaped his own thinking in important ways (Acts 22: 3). “

My crude summary of such wise instructions and advice is simply to remain humble and pray, expecting all things to reveal themselves in time. Through prayer and sincere devotion to God and His Word, the fruit (or lack thereof) will speak for itself. Also, if there is any evil or deception, the Holy Spirit of truth will certainly and quickly bring it to light for all to see.

In the meantime, grant each soul and minister God’s grace to breathe, believe, and receive from heaven. God’s thoughts are above ours and his methods and ways transcend miniscule mental methodologies and limitations. As Pastor Jack exhorted, let us be available to His Spirit, instructed by His Word, open to His will, and humbly slow to judge things beyond our reach. We are not called to answer for any other ministry or its report; Our responsibility is to seek to serve our flock, teach our people God’s Word and wisdom, and remain open to the precious works of His Spirit.

Let us live in hope, believe the best of God in our day, and advise our leaders and our people to be filled with the Spirit of God. As Pastor Jack prayed, let us ask the Spirit to humble us in discernment and protect our souls from being credulous, prone to doubt, or resistant to anything God seeks to do that shows Christ-exalting, verifying the Word, and enduring longer. beyond maternal sensation or arousal. Over time, whatever is happening in Lakeland and through the activities resulting from its events, will verify or discredit the source of the protests.

Pastor Jack wisely and as a spiritual father eager to see the glory of God revealed in us, his people, reminds us that we are in an hour of history, both national and international, that calls us to prayer and fasting. Let us surrender to seek God, and allow His visitation in ways that please His heart, seek His glory and honor His Son, our Savior, Healer, Baptist with the Holy Spirit and King who is soon to come.