The success of a game lies not only in challenging missions, enjoyable battles, or even amazing sights and sounds. The true measure of a game is how much a player is attracted to the world of the game, the lore of the game. I think this is one of the reasons why World of Warcraft is the number one MMORPG in the world. Players are just as enchanted with their world as they are with their game. In its most recent expansion, Wrath of the Lich King, the first chapter, The Curse of Ner’zhul, takes us back to the beginning. Here is a summary:

Once upon a time there was an ancient orc shaman named Ner’zhul, highly revered as the spiritual leader of all orcs. A powerful demon named Kil’jaeden tricked him into leading the orcs into corruption. He too was tricked into creating the Horde. In the end, however, Ner’zhul’s conscience prevented him from turning his people over to the Burning Legion. Because of this, Kil’jaeden punished him by wreaking havoc on his body and soul. There was no relief for Ner’zhul until Kil’jaeden offered him one last chance: be the Legion’s servant or experience eternal agony. Nerz’zhul chose the first offer and was reborn as the Lich King.

Ner’zhul’s curse continued as he was forever bound to magical armor and the runeblade Frostmourne. He was sealed in ice and cast into Azeroth, settling in the desolate land of Northrend. From the Frozen Throne of Ner’zhul, he managed to enslave the nerubians, arachnid creatures that are fierce in battle. Far from being loyal to Kil’jaeden, Ner’zhul already had plans for freedom. He managed to make a crack in his frozen prison and was able to slip Frostmourne through it. Using his minions, he sent the sword away, hoping it would draw a mighty warrior who would become the vessel for his spirit.

While waiting for his champion, Ner’zhul fulfills his master’s wishes. As the Lich King, Ner’zhul’s duty was to create a plague that would destroy all humanity and enslave the dead to the Burning Legion. To hasten the spread of the plague, he was able to enlist the services of a powerful mage named Kel’Thuzad, whose purpose was to help spread the contagion. Kel’Thuzad then recruited people he called the Cult of the Damned who were carriers of the plague. These humans then spread the plague throughout Lordaeron. In this form, the Curse of Ner’zhul also became the curse of the world. Kel’Thuzad was happy to see the success of his mission in the undead army he created. He called them the Plague. And with the Lich King’s command, they will truly bring destruction and desolation to the world.

Thus ends the first chapter of the WOTLK expansion. It is surely enough to stimulate and attract players who have been waiting for this expansion for a long time, and having a good guide will help you a lot with your game! Tune in for the next chapter!