Eye spasms are actually very common. Virtually everyone is affected at least once in their life. It is caused by the involuntary movement of the muscles of the eyelids. That is why it is also known as eyelid spasm. It is generally not harmful, but it can be very annoying, even embarrassing.

The problem is caused by many things. There may be some irritation to the eyes. If you lack sleep, drink too much coffee, or are under a lot of stress, your eyes may shake, too. It can also happen if you have been watching the computer or television for too long. The eye also contracts if you have epilepsy or a neurological disorder.

There is also a direct correlation between eyelid twitching and your emotions.

What is the relationship?

How do you know that you are anxious, depressed, or under high stress? It is not just because you think about them, but also because you experience the signs and symptoms. For example, you can say that you are in a state of depression because you are irritable, moody, and always sad.

Eye spasms are often associated with anxiety. If you are about to speak in front of a large crowd, your eye twitches. If you are faced with your greatest source of fear, your eyelids may also start to move uncontrollably.

Therefore, in cases where the movements are not caused by illness, lack of sleep, excessive coffee consumption, or other factors, then they could have been caused by what you are feeling at the time.

What can you do?

You need to resolve all your negative emotions if you want to get rid of your eye twitching. There are two better ways to do it.

Find a psychotherapist first. You may have to go through a series of therapies that aim to change your bad habit, which are tics in the eyes, as well as get rid of all the negative emotions that you are feeling. For example, if the cause is public speaking anxiety, the therapist can provide scenarios in which you will have to speak in front of an audience. He or she can advise you on how to face your fears and stay calm when speaking in public. This technique is often called exposure therapy.

Second, you can use a variety of subliminal messages or affirmations. Typically, these are tools that therapists use for cognitive behavioral therapy, teaching you how to transform negative thoughts into positive ones.

However, since you can already download these subliminal messages on the Internet, you can already practice the therapy on your own.

If you feel your anxiety or stress building up and your eyes start to tremble, just relax by taking slow, deep breaths, then listen to the affirmations. Some of the messages you may hear include the following:

I am brave and strong.

I trust what I can do.

I can play to my strengths.