When a ballet dancer’s core muscles are weak, or when a dancer is working an intense schedule without enough recovery time, where does the tension go? Often on the neck and shoulders.

Ballet dancers (and other style dancers) will typically work with increasing tension and tension, muscle soreness, and minor pain, until the condition develops to the point of sharp, sharp neck pain. They will begin to feel extreme stiffness in the neck, having difficulty moving it in any direction. When the pain reaches its worst, it may be accompanied by shooting pain in both shoulders and maybe even in the elbows.

This type of discomfort can develop very gradually, so it does not necessarily imply personal carelessness. The pain is usually less in the morning, although the stiffness is noticeable. With extra time and attention to warming up the neck and upper back, a good chunk of a heavy rehearsal day, beginning with class, could be danced well with tolerance for discomfort. However, as the day progresses, the pain will most likely increase, often described as a “shooting ache”, with certain movements. The stiff neck may return even after the dancer has warmed up. The tension becomes visible to others, watching or training.

At this point, the dancer will be forced to take time to seek professional help. Upon examination by a chiropractor, for example, the back of the neck and mid-back muscles will be found to be in tight spasm. The muscles under the chin may also spasm, holding the head at a downward angle. The dancer easily understands that he has made this condition worse by working with his head not centered on his shoulders. (When the postural plumb is violated in any way, additional muscle grip will appear, as the body always finds a way to compensate and “balance itself”).

What is alarming is that when looking at an x-ray of this type of neck, you can see that the normal curve is not only diminished, but reversed! And, rather disturbing news for a young ballet dancer, the front of the middle neck bones can be severely degenerated, due to chronic pressure on the front of them.

This inversion of the curve is very common among classically trained dancers. Traditional ballet positions call for the neck to appear tall and straight. Although no harm is intended, the muscles along the front of the neck become stronger and stronger. This development straightens the neck bones and continues through the years of training, until the normal curve is reversed. The front of the neck bones begin to grind and arthritis gradually sets in.

The goal of chiropractic care would be to remobilize the neck bones that are locked in spasm, as well as release chronic tension from the muscles of the shoulders and upper back. Early treatment can prevent the development of the reverse curve and eventual arthritis. Tight neck muscles can be relaxed and stretched, relieving compression that reduces the natural curve. Massage, mechanical traction, and a supportive sleeping pillow can contribute to chiropractic treatment, counteracting harmful tendencies that have become habitual for the ballet dancer.

A ballet dancer’s neck can be held in a high, slightly erect position without damage. All ballet students should understand how to properly relax and stretch, as well as how to strengthen their core muscles to avoid neck strain and back pain. Education will prevent ballet dance injuries.

Take advantage of the dance education available online and in stores. There is so much information! Dance smart!