Being a new parent can be overwhelming and difficult, but rewarding and joyful. Yes, having a child is not only a huge responsibility, but also a bundle of joy, literally and idiomatically. And joy comes when a man accepts the role of being a new father completely and unconditionally. Newbie parenting comes with fun, grace, and discovery all rolled into one.

I am a new parent who has fun following my child through the development of life from conception to birth, and then to growth in strength and wisdom. It is father’s duty to have the life of his son safeguarded within the womb and the life nurtured in the world. My delight is seeing my son’s growth processes on display: teeth hatch and grow, attempts to crawl and stand, murmurs that gradually turn into words, facial expressions evolving, and then playful interactions that soon become in hugs, kisses. and spontaneous verbal expressions. Daily work can tire my body, but a filial smile refreshes my heart.

As a child is a precious gift, parenthood is a received treasure. Having a child or being a parent is a grace. I understand grace as that which is given to feed the life of the recipient. In turn, the receiver cannot help but give and share the joy of the overflow of grace. The father gives and shares the best he can and has primarily for the sake of his son. Parenthood becomes satisfying as and when the father gives his child warmth and affection, patience and understanding, protection and tolerance, security and hope. Joy, therefore, is nothing more than an intensified celebration of grace received and shared.

As a new father goes through the phases of fatherhood throughout the different stages of the child’s life, he travels through a world of discovery. Not only will you discover new things about your child throughout the later stages of growth, but you will also see revelations in his life. You can learn to unearth your own untapped potentials, expand the possibilities for growth and change, increase your own sense of sacrifice and resilience, explore new horizons in life in search of better opportunities, increase the courage to take risks, and most of all, expand your capacity to love. beyond the limits. Possibly doing all that a parent can for the sake of the loved child brings joy.

Final confession from a newbie dad like me: My boy is my joy.