It is a well-known fact that the current economic conditions have caused much excess stress in the United States. However, what many don’t realize is how prevalent a problem it really is and how it affects people differently from place to place. To learn more about how stress affects Americans every day, read the information and data below.

Prevalence of stress in America

According to a recent study conducted by the American Psychological Association in 2008, almost all Americans reported feeling stress at some level in their lives. Thirty percent of people surveyed reported having chronic levels of stress in their lives, and another fifty percent reported stress levels in the moderate range. That’s the 80 percent of the population that report stress levels high enough to affect their health, and unfortunately, it usually does. That’s why new counseling and help centers are being developed nationwide to help people get the help and support they need for the excess stress in their lives.

Stress is different from one city to another

Another fact that was discovered in the recent survey of stress among Americans is that the cause of an individual’s stress varies from city to city or state to state. For example, the survey found that people in Atlanta experienced stress from family and personal relationships. Meanwhile, in Dallas, people felt pressured when it came to having unrealistic expectations of their work.

Why are things so different from place to place? The professionals who conducted the survey believe that this is so because the benefits and services that exist within each city are different. Some areas provide more opportunities for socializing but may have a higher crime rate, while others may have a better job market but present other challenges for the people who live there. In short, while most Americans experience some form of stress, it’s probably not the same in every area.

Stress in America is becoming an increasingly prevalent concern. As things continue to get worse with the economy and the stress of everyday life continues to increase, there is a greater chance that the population will develop related diseases or conditions without helping to end the stress in their lives.