So you like this girl, but she rejects you. But, there’s only one problem… you let him reject you! You see, the fact is that you can effectively change the rejection and make her like you, even if she has rejected you.

To do this, you need to know some effective rejection responses, and they’re actually quite easy to know, because all you have to do is know how to fix the situation. Read on to discover effective rejection comebacks….

what she doesn’t expect – So what she expects is that you leave, after she rejects you, and that’s life… right? But that’s not going to happen, and what she doesn’t expect is that you’re actually a witty, funny, funny, intelligent, challenging man who has standards that she can’t meet. This will get him so carried away that he will literally try to get your attention after this. Here are some types of respawns that will accomplish this effectively:

o Get the phone number:


You: “So what’s your number?”

Her: “Why?”

You: “Well, it’s been great talking to you, until next time.” and walk away

What will happen here is that she will immediately think that she has done something wrong, or that something is wrong with her, because you are not chasing her. You will find that not long after, she will try to find or locate you to talk to you again.

o Tells you that she has a boyfriend:

You: “Well that’s great, you can make us breakfast in the morning. You better be a good cook, because I don’t want food poisoning!”

This kind of response leaves her thoughtful and intrigued, because you’ve completely discarded her rejection tactic, and now she’s left hanging on the rope, because most women wouldn’t know what to do at this point, which changes the mood again. can. for you.

o She says they could just be friends:

You: “Why don’t people like to get close to you? Is something wrong?”

This will make her think twice and she will start trying to explain to you, to which you can reply that she is now telling you her whole life story, when you didn’t ask. This will make her even more excited and challenged to try to prove to you that there is nothing wrong with her.

maintaining trust – In the end, it’s really about maintaining your confidence and not bending over to try to control the situation, rejecting you. It also helps if you know how to be assertive and how to have a good time all at the same time, because most men would instantly show how hurt they are by the rejection on their face, but this is not what you should be doing.

Women can say all kinds of things, especially if your approach was weak, and if you accept what she says, you actually agree with her. But, if you don’t, and stay confident, it will show him that there is a side of you that he didn’t see before, and he will try to discover you now.