Men and women are worlds apart when it comes to attraction and seduction. Many women are attracted to fairly simple things, while some women may be attracted to other profound things. It all depends on the taste and personality of the woman.

However, some women have a few things in common. Even if you can’t attract a certain woman with the possession you don’t have, there are some traits and talents that she might see in you and be flattered by. What are these common possessions?

Most women agree on these three impressive traits: charm, intelligence, and confidence. Possessing even a little of each is useful enough to help you attract and seduce women.

Women can be attracted to one’s physique: a masculine man is more likely to attract women compared to the man who looks thin and frail; however, their attraction will not be as persistent when they are attracted to a guy who is neither masculine nor fragile, but someone who is charming. Indeed, charming men are hard to resist compared to those who lack charm and poise. Seducing women with the use of your charm is one of the easiest ways to achieve it.

“Charming” men take note of only three things when it comes to seducing women. Remembering this short three-point formula is all you need to know to develop your charm and successfully capture a girl’s attention, attraction, and affection.

1. Be observant when it comes to women’s moods, movements, and speech. Sometimes women tell you when it’s okay to approach them through their actions and even without saying things, some women are lusting after you without telling you. Try to understand the body language well, more or less, that would be the main language of dating.

2. Men often use charm to get women’s attention, and in doing so, they often use the hit-and-run method. Imagine a situation like this: when a beautiful woman walks into the room, she pretends you don’t see her and make it obvious. When she looks at you, she will expect you to approach her, however, do what others will NOT do and ignore her. You will drive her crazy and she will definitely want to know why you are acting differently. She will try to get your attention, but she will play tough to impress.

3. Charming men build impressive, clean demeanors. Being polite, romantic, and respectful are just three of the many traits that women find sexy. Anything that is positive and that generates closeness with people is more or less attractive to a woman. To begin with, you should try to make a lot of friends, be nice to people, and not be an instigator. It is always better to be humble and meek than to be the type that causes a lot of trouble.