Mainly considered a male hormone, testosterone is actually common to both men and women.

However, testosterone is the main male hormone, which not only affects libido and the frequency of penile erection, but also the entire body. This hormone gives men hearts, lungs, and other larger organs, builds muscle mass, and controls stomach fat, while regulating mood, aggression, and mental focus. Therefore, consistent and adequate levels of this hormone are essential to your overall well-being.

Since testosterone levels begin to decline in the mid to late 20s, at an annual rate of 0.3%, a man can experience a significant drop in his testosterone levels in his 40s. By age 50, most men will have substantially lower levels causing a number of sexual difficulties.

Therefore, it is imperative that men do everything possible to develop and maintain balanced levels of this hormone. And you can boost your testosterone with these superfoods.

essential protein

Protein plays a key role in keeping the production of the male hormone, testosterone, at optimal levels. However, it’s important to stick to leaner cuts of meat and low-fat protein sources, as too much saturated fat can induce estrogen, which has a negative effect on your sexual activity because it essentially ‘softens’ testosterone.

Include these high-quality protein sources in your diet:

  • lean cuts of red meat and skinless poultry (forget lamb chops and buffalo wings)
  • fish such as salmon, tuna, halibut, and orange roughy (grilled or baked, not fried)
  • beans, including baked beans, lima beans, chickpeas, and kidney beans (all pack an extra hit of zinc and fiber)
  • whole eggs (I know they contain cholesterol but it’s the ‘good’ kind – HDL),
  • cottage cheese (1-2% fat content preferred) with a serving of fresh fruit, and
  • natural crunchy peanut butter

Just one more note about cholesterol:

Since testosterone is actually synthesized from cholesterol, a dietary supply is necessary, and whole eggs supply it in a ‘good’ form with a low caloric effect. Including vitamin C from fresh fruits and vegetables on a daily basis will keep the “bad” form of LDL cholesterol in check. But if you have a serious case of cholesterol problems, it’s best to check with your health care provider to be sure.

Fats needed for hormone production

A combination of fats is absolutely necessary for great testosterone production. Omega-3s (EFAS) and monounsaturated fats (MUFAS) should be the main fats in your diet along with a moderate amount of saturated fats (SFAS).

EFAS Food Supply:

  • salmon (wild-caught only), yellowfin tuna, and sardines
  • vocados (the Aztecs called them ‘ahuacatl’ which means “testicle”, perhaps because of their shape and that they grow on the tree in pairs)
  • nuts and seeds, including walnuts, Brazil nuts and almonds, pumpkin and flax seeds, and
  • oils such as flax seed, canola, and wheat germ oils

Food Supply Mufas:

  • Olives,
  • oils, including extra virgin olive oil, grapeseed oil, and flaxseed oil,
  • avocados (definitely a double bonus for this fruit),
  • nuts and seeds, especially peanuts and almonds (including the ‘butter’ form) and
  • chocolate (only dark, at least 70% cocoa content – yes, it’s good for you and full of antioxidants)

Finally, cruciferous vegetables

These greens are a must have in your regular diet as they contain IC3 (indole-3-carbinol) which essentially controls estrogen levels and as mentioned above, estrogen actually ‘smooth’ your testosterone!

To supply IC3, include these foods 3-4 times a week:

  • cabbage, raw or cooked (including Chinese and napa cabbage)
  • Chinese cabbage
  • Brussels sprouts (2 servings of these can greatly affect your testosterone levels)
  • broccoli, again raw or cooked, &
  • kale
  • radish, horseradish, daikon, and wasabi are also included in this group (great if you like roast beef or sushi)

Most of the basic food groups are covered in the lists above and can be balanced with a moderate intake of low-glycemic carbohydrates, including fruits, vegetables, and whole grain breads, pastas, and cereals.

If your hormone levels are currently low, boost your testosterone with these superfoods and you’ll see a marked difference in the weeks and months to come.

Start eating these superfoods while your testosterone levels are optimal and your hormone supplies will remain robust for many years to come, prolonging your sexual activities and health.