Oh, so you want to update the look of your kitchen cabinet doors with a good coat of paint, but you’re afraid it’s going to look amateurish. After all, you tell yourself, you are not a professional painter. Okay, do not worry. We’re here to show you how you can paint his kitchen cabinets in 5 easy steps.

Step 1 – Clean Your Kitchen Cabinet Doors

You want to make sure your kitchen cabinets are spotless, or else you risk trapping dirt under your paint, which could cause it to peel. Since kitchen cabinets are magnets for grease, consider using water and dish-cutting grease or laundry detergent. All-purpose household cleaners like 409 could also do the job. Although your next step in painting is to sand, be careful to use a non-abrasive sponge while cleaning to avoid deep scratches.

Step 2: Sand

Sand the surface of your cabinets until all the existing paint is removed. Be sure to sand smooth and even to avoid creating small nicks in the wood, which will show through your new coats of paint.

Step 3: Apply primer

Before you paint your kitchen cabinet doors, you should apply a primer to prevent the paint from chipping and to ensure a smooth, thick coat that will accentuate your existing kitchen colors. If you plan to use oil-based paint, use an oil-based primer. Alternatively, if you are going to use latex-based paint, use a shellac-based primer.

Step 4 – Apply the First Coat of Paint

After the primer dries, it’s time to apply the paint smoothly and evenly.

Step 5 – Apply Two to Three More Coats of Paint

After the first coat dries, you’ll need to apply two or three more thin coats of paint to prevent bleeding. You will apply each subsequent coat after the previous coat dries.

Look, simple, right? However, if you want an alternative to painting your kitchen cabinet doors, or perhaps a whole new kitchen cabinet design, visit http://www.kitchen-expert.info for information on cabinet refinishing. kitchen.