Online dating is an exciting frontier, full of possibilities around every corner, but before you start returning those attractive emails, there are 10 rules you need to adhere to.

Your love life can stagnate for a number of reasons. A relationship that recently ended can leave you stranded with a condensed social circle and feelings of loneliness. You may have experienced a recent change, such as a divorce, graduating from college, or moving to a new city. No matter what the circumstances are, it is difficult to meet new people. Enter the world of online dating, full of variety, flavor and excitement. If you are new to the online dating scene, there are several things everyone should know.

1. Plan ahead

Are you just looking to spend some time entertaining yourself in chat rooms? Looking for someone to hang out with on the weekends? Looking for a one night stand? Trying to find Mr. or Mrs. Right? Determine your goals for online dating and stick to them; Otherwise, you could hurt the feelings of others or find yourself scraping the pieces of another failed relationship.

2. Ask your friends

Online dating and chat rooms are standard tools for people from all walks of life looking for love or a little fun. Ask your friends which sites have worked for them in the past. Trust the opinions of those you already know instead of choosing a service at random.

3. Start slow

You may need to spend some time in chat rooms, email correspondence, or even on the phone before you feel comfortable enough to meet someone. Take your time, no rush! Enjoy the process and embrace the emotion.

4. Tell the truth!

If you really want to experience success with online dating, you have to be honest. While you can’t control the actions of others, holding yourself accountable will thwart the temptation to attach someone else’s photo to your profile or lie about your past.

5. Organize and prioritize

Online dating can be overwhelming. It’s much easier to search for profiles of people you know are looking for a relationship than to strike up a conversation with someone at the bar. Pick out some of the most interesting profiles, take notes, and just communicate with them at first. You can always look again if they don’t work, and this will avoid too much activity and confused emotions.

6. Don’t believe everything you see or read

If it sounds too good to be true, it is very possible that you are looking at a bad egg. Take your time to get to know someone. Check their history. If you’ve gotten to the point where personal information has been revealed, there are ways to check the details. If a person claims they work at the local community college, they can check the phone book for their name. The public record is a valuable resource!

7. Chat room etiquette

That old saying “if you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything” still applies to online dating. Chat rooms often give people a feeling of invincibility. When fingers start to fly, things tend to move fast and have the potential to get steamy. Stop. Think. If you wouldn’t say it to a complete stranger face-to-face, don’t say it at all.

8. Paying for an online dating service may not be so bad

Websites that charge to enter chat rooms or create an online dating profile can put you off at first glance. You may feel ashamed or scared to shell out your hard-earned money on a dating website; However, you can be sure that if someone is willing to make the investment it costs to participate in online dating circles, they may be very serious and willing to go the extra mile for you.

9. Be available

Don’t have access to the internet every day? This could cause problems in the world of online dating. Those who try this method of socialization like to think that they will get quick answers. Be available, consider setting aside a specific time to spend in the chat room, and respond to emails in a timely manner. Otherwise, your potentials may lose interest.

10. Safety first, second and third

When you’ve built up their trust and found someone you want to meet face-to-face, remember that you don’t know what to expect. Meet in a public place. Drive your own car so you can stay in control of your surroundings and leave if you feel uncomfortable. Even if the first date leads to a second or third, keep in mind that you have just met and there is no need to rush.