Old School New Body is a weight loss and muscle gain program for men and women. This program was designed for people or individuals over the age of 40.

Old School New Body is specifically called F4X, which is an acronym for focus for exercise and also has 3 main phases.

Old School New Body was created by Steve Holman and his wife Becky Holman. Steve has been an expert fitness trainer for over 36 years and editor-in-chief and John M Rowley of Iron Magazine. Becky is a fitness trainer for over 21 years. They created the system for seniors to lose weight and gain muscle and boost metabolism with proper nutrition and eating. By following the Focus Four (F4X) system of exercises, you can stay fit and healthy. You can look and feel 10 years younger by slowing down the aging process.

The Focus Four Exercises (F4X) program teaches exercises and how to do them in a time-efficient order to achieve outstanding results.

Phase 1 is the beginner level and will teach you how to successfully burn fat through proper lifting techniques and fatigue your muscles with short breaks in training sessions of 25 minutes or less 3 times per week. You will also learn healthy and personalized eating habits that will help you reach your top level goal.

Phase 2 is all about learning and building a well-rounded body. What you will learn in about will teach you many new techniques and modifications from phase 1 and will take you further to build lean and toned muscles. You will also learn healthy and personalized eating habits that will help you reach your second level goal.

Phase 3 is the muscle building phase. This phase is for the advanced bodybuilder who wishes to increase solid muscle mass. This also teaches a selective nutritional eating plan that focuses on what foods to eat, how much protein your body needs, and overall how to build lean muscle.


Learn how to customize healthy nutritional meals and when to eat and when not to eat.

Learn correct muscle fatigue techniques to tone and increase muscle mass.

Learn how to increase your sexual desire and look 10 years younger.

Learn to speed up your metabolism.

Improves energy, mood, relieves depression naturally.

Learn to feel and see yourself 10 years younger.


Not sold in stores.

Short but intense program of 20-30 minutes a day. Three days a week.

You must stay dedicated to the program to achieve and maintain your goals, but this is a must for any diet or weight loss program.