With psoriatic arthritis, your skin needs extra protection. The condition affects people in different ways and affects the skin differently. Changes in lifestyle will greatly benefit your skin. Some unhealthy habits can worsen the skin situation. In addition to prescription medications, your doctor will also guide you about clothing that can worsen skin symptoms.

You can improve skin symptoms at home by doing the following:

1. Drink lots of water

Lots of water helps keep your skin in good condition by hydrating from within. Psoriatic arthritis causes the skin to have a high tendency to dryness. This can cause itching and flaking. The water will help you keep your skin hydrated. You can check if you are dehydrated by looking at the tone of your urine. The yellow hue suggests that you have not been drinking enough water. Make it at least eight glasses each day.

2. Avoid any trauma to the skin

Trauma to the skin can be from sharp objects, burns, and even insect bites. It can worsen the symptoms of psoriasis on the skin. You should always consider wearing protective clothing when performing tasks. In the kitchen, your gloves must be on. Avoid walking barefoot as this could lead to injury from stepping on sharp objects. Mosquito bites can cause skin irritation, avoid them by staying indoors when they are active, especially in the evening. You can also control insects by using a medicated repellent.

3. Manage stress

Stress is not good for your health in general. With psoriasis, stress can complicate the situation. Find time to do what you love. Join fun groups, hang out with friends, and take some time off to relax. Yoga is a great exercise that engages both the mind and the body to relax. Make sure you get enough sleep. Staying up late can create stress.


This is good for controlling excessive skin growth. It uses ultraviolet light from the sun. You can try it at home by scheduling some time in the sun. You can start with at least 4 minutes as you increase the time each day. Remember to use your sunscreen, it should be at least SPF 30 to stop harmful rays that can cause cancer and sunburn.

5. Use your moisturizer

Apparently, with itching, flaking, and dryness, moisturizing is the best thing to do for your skin. Skin hydration adds an additional protective layer. The moisturizer will soothe the skin, relieving dryness and itchiness. Your moisturizer should be free of any fragrance.

6. Take your prescribed topical medications

In addition to your daily medications, your doctor will prescribe a few other treatments that you can get at your nearest pharmacy. It can be an extract of coal, tar. Tar is good for enhancing skin complexion. The tar also works to ensure that skin cells do not overgrow and works to relieve inflammation.

You can also get a recommendation for shampoo that is medicated. They contain antifungals and steroids to relieve psoriatic arthritis of the scalp. The doctor may also prescribe hydrocortisone contained in an ointment to control skin lesions and relieve itching.

7. Treat your skin with salt shower

Salt water has been used over the years as a remedy for skin lesions. You should also try it. This will involve adding table salt or Dead Sea salt to the tub. The tub should have lukewarm water. Then you can enjoy the bath by soaking for 20 minutes.

8. Be kind to the skin

This applies when taking a shower. Be sure to avoid long, hot showers. It can strip the skin of its much-needed essential oils and lead to dryness. Avoid strong liquid soaps as they have a high tendency to dry out the skin. Switch to short, lukewarm showers with mild soap. After your shower, gently dab your towel to lightly dry your skin, then immediately apply your moisturizer.

9. Make some lifestyle changes

Some unhealthy habits can make skin symptoms worse. You must resort to making some healthy changes for the sake of your health. This includes eating a healthy diet. Foods like vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and lean proteins can go a long way in improving the condition of your skin. Not only is this straightforward, but they can also prevent excessive weight gain that could make the situation worse. Do more exercises that will greatly improve your condition and also help you maintain an ideal weight. Try to limit or eliminate smoking and alcohol, this can be detrimental to your situation.


Don’t deny yourself healthy skin, make some efforts to protect it and achieve a bright and smooth complexion. Regardless of whether you have psoriatic arthritis or not, you can still have your skin at its best.