The skin is an absolute definer of our beauty and overall good health. Its radiance, youthful feel and admirable look make us feel good and proud of ourselves. However, maintaining this glow is not always an easy thing to do, and for many people, it often gets out of control. As we age, we become more exposed to agents that reduce the skin’s ability to reverse skin damage from sunlight, such as medications and hormonal changes that lead to deterioration of our skin’s good health. The age factor is also helpful and plays a key role in reducing the skin’s tolerance to sunlight damage.

But why does the sun damage the skin? Well, many people wonder how sunlight causes skin damage, but parents are always advised to let their young children be exposed to sunlight to increase their vitamin D synthesis. It also feels good to sunbathe , either on the beach or in the patio of the house during the weekends. To clarify this point, it should be noted that while sunlight is necessary for such metabolism or for personal comfort, prolonged exposure stimulates increased melanin production and the destruction of some elastin and collagen fibers in the skin. With this increase in melanin and the destruction of elastin and collagen fibers in the skin, it is always predisposed to developing darker, unevenly pigmented skin, age spots, vertical skin folds and wrinkles, and the development of a flaccid skin like leather. Under these conditions, the skin not only loses its radiance but also makes you look much older than you really are.

To get rid of age spots and the other damaging effects of sunlight on the skin, the use of a specially manufactured skin lightening cream that brightens the skin, stimulates the development of elastic and collagen fibers is of paramount importance. and block the production of melanin. Natural sunscreen products, particularly those containing Extrapone Nutgrass, have been shown to be very powerful in removing these age spots and replenishing aging skin. Some of the main factors that make Extrapone Nutgrass a powerful treatment for sun-damaged skin is its eminent ability to lighten the skin, promote elastin and collagen regeneration, and its extremely low risk of developing skin cancers and other effects. side effects associated with sunscreens and skin lightening products. .

Some of the sun protection products used to get rid of age spots also incorporate other components to boost the full recovery of damaged skin and maintain its restored good health. For example, the Xtendlife cream contains additional ingredients that are used to detoxify free radicals from the skin and increase the retention of hyaluronic acid in the skin. Free radicals in the skin are common precursors to skin cancer and poor skin health, while hyaluronic acid plays an important role in the development of connective tissue such as collagen and elastin fibers, thus counteracting the effect of skin aging. With this combination, the effectiveness of the age spot remover Extrapone Nutgrass contains is highly recommended and makes it excellent for removing age spots by brightening and lightening the skin, as well as relieving other age-related skin damaging effects. exposure to sunlight.