Drinking water when losing weight is something that has been scientifically proven to work. The point, though, is that we’re trying to drink more water, but we don’t know if it’s enough or if it’s getting out of hand.

Many people go completely crazy about water, whether it is to lose weight or to improve their skin. However, drinking too much water can be very dangerous.

Excessive water consumption is considered an eating disorder. Examples of eating disorders are:

  • anorexy
  • bulimia
  • potomania

The eating disorder characterized by drinking too much water is called potomania. people who suffer from this
They usually drink more than four liters of water a day, and they do so with the intention of filling their stomachs and therefore not going hungry.

People with potomania are at risk of having a deficiency of sodium in the blood (hyponatremia). This can rise to an alarmingly low level that can even cause a coma. Those are, of course, the extreme cases.

Drink water according to your weight

Water requirement is closely related to weight. The larger or heavier a person is, the more water they need. However, one must also take into account whether or not someone leads a physically active life.

It is sometimes said that you only have to drink if you are thirsty because otherwise your kidneys will be overloaded. However, by the time we start to get thirsty, we are already in the first stage of dehydration. The body, when it detects that it is not receiving enough water, it’s already starting to retain water here have reserves in case of emergency.

That is why it is important to drink water regularly to avoid water retention. With the following formula, we can drink exactly enough water so that:

  • our body does not retain any liquid
  • we also do not unnecessarily overload our kidneys

It is a formula based on body weight.
The amount of water you need to consume is 32 ml per day for every kilo of body weight. A person weighing 60 kg should drink 1920 ml of water, which is the same as 1.92 litres. Calculate it, do you drink all the water you need to lose weight?

How can I remind myself to drink enough water before losing weight?

You may be surprised at how much water you should be drinking and wondering how can you remember doing all this in one day. There are some tips you can follow to drink enough water when losing weight.

Before every meal

You may drink a large glass of water before every meal. This way you make it harder to forget to drink. In addition, it will help your digestion, since it makes the digestion of food in the body faster.

After each visit to the bathroom

to drink a glass of water every time you go to the bathroom. This is one of the most effective ways to keep your hydration at a constant level.

Morning and afternoon

Immediately after getting up, to drink a glass of water in the morning and another just before going to bed. Drinking cold water first thing in the morning seems to kick-start your metabolism, and staying hydrated at night can help your body filter out impurities.

daily list

If none of these methods work for you, you can create a daily list in which you check one for each glass of water you drink.

At work

At work you can remember to drink a glass of water when you arrive, another in the middle of the morning, during lunch and before you leave. Maybe this method will work better for you.

In short, water is very important to lead a healthy life and works wonders when it comes to losing weight. For this, you must remember drink as much water as you have calculated yourself according to the formula. It will work better than you think.