What are hemorrhoids and what do I have to do to ease the discomfort? They are also known as piles and are caused by too much pressure on the anal veins which can result in external or internal hemorrhoids.

Internal hemorrhoids do not have any visible lumps outside the anal area. While external hemorrhoids may be the easiest to see, they can also be the most painful. There are many people in the world who suffer from hemorrhoids and, for the most part, they occur in people over the age of fifty. There are many ways to treat hemorrhoids, but one of the simplest methods is a sitz bath. A sitz bath can really relive some of the discomfort and reduce swelling.

What is a sitz bath? It is a bath in which you sit in warm water that covers your buttocks and hips. The idea is that sitting in the warm water will help get more blood to the anal area, which can help promote healing and help with any discomfort from hemorrhoids. It is a kind of hydrotherapy or water therapy for hemorrhoids.

In fact, you can buy a sitz bath, which is a plastic bath that sits over a toilet. However, using your bathtub is probably the easiest way to take a sitz bath. Fill your bath with lukewarm water. You want it to be warm enough to be comfortable but not too hot. Again, the water should cover your buttocks and hips and it is recommended that you partially lie down rather than sit in the tub to relieve pressure on the anal area.

You can also add some aromatherapy oils to the water to help you relax. Choose your favorite oil, but using lavender, lemon balm, or valerian oil makes for a great relaxing bath. Another good option is to add Epsom salts to the water, which is recommended by many professionals. Epsom salts help remove toxins from the body, reduce swelling, and relax muscles. Additionally, Epsom salt is also known to help relieve inflammation and pain. Epsom salts can be purchased at most drug stores.

You will need to stay in the bathroom for twenty to thirty minutes several times a week to promote healing. When you get out of the bathroom, you’ll want to use a clean cotton towel to pat the area dry. Make sure not to rub but to dry the area with a towel. If you want, you can also let the area air dry, which is recommended by some doctors so it doesn’t cause discomfort to the area again.