Online social networking facilities have proliferated since the dawn of the Internet. From Friendster to Facebook to Multiply to BlogSpot and Twitter; all these websites aim for people to stay connected no matter how far away they are and what age category they are in. Internet is for everyone even with these social networks. So don’t be surprised if mom and dad have their own Facebook or Twitter accounts, they also have their own group of friends and colleagues to reconnect with. They are several years of history! School friends in the ’60s or ’70s aren’t that hard to find, especially if they find technology attractive too.

If you are the parent in this equation, this article may be of interest to you. For one thing, being an active computer or internet user already makes you a great parent. You now understand the secondary definition of socializing and cyber friends through the social networking websites you are now familiar with. More and more websites of this type are emerging, since accessibility is given and having a cyber life and identity gives everyone the freedom to be who they want to be.

Finding your school friends is easier than you think. You don’t need to make unnecessary phone calls. If they’re as techie as you are, you should be able to easily find them through these social networking sites. Or if they don’t have their personal accounts, your kids may have one, so you can try narrowing it down and checking profiles at your convenience. You will be able to access some photos that will soon connect you with those long lost school friends of yours.

Not only will you be able to stay in touch with them through cyberspace, but you will also get to know their lives, their work and their family. You may feel homesick for a moment and then you can start sharing your experiences with your own children and all the other things that have happened after the physical separation. With this type of networking you can also expand your active contacts that will benefit your business.

If you are a teenager or a son or a daughter, why don’t you give your parents a chance to build another social circle to keep their lives more interesting than they actually are in real life? They may also need these social media accounts for business purposes or to communicate with family members in other parts of the country abroad.

As parents, sharing your stories about school friends brings back fond memories. Your children will better appreciate the fact that you were once young and had fun with your own group of friends, wherever they are now.

It’s fun to have social networking websites. You will experience the 6 degrees of separation and finding out how connected you are to the rest of the world is truly amazing. By having this experience as a family, kids and parents will build another bond of trust with each other and experience a cyber life as a family.