When you’re looking to get a tattoo, you’re looking to get something that will last forever, but what if you change your mind? The truth of the matter is that the only thing we can really count on is change and sometimes a tattoo that you got months, years or decades ago may no longer follow your life. In other cases, you may find that you are no longer satisfied with the permanent makeup you have obtained, or you may be in a place where you are looking to try something else. When you are looking to get rid of a tattoo, it doesn’t matter. Why you got it in the first place, you’ll find that taking a look at TCA peels may be just what you’re looking to do.

A TCA peel stands for trichloroacetic acid peel and is a process that cosmetic dermatologists have used to treat conditions as different as wrinkle reduction, acne scar relief, and removal of fine lines. This treatment is quite powerful and you will find that it is also extremely effective. There are many treatments when it comes to tattoo removal, but you will find that with a little research, TCA tattoo removal may be your most effective and affordable option.

When you look at TCA peels, you will also find that you are wearing something that has a true story. The use of chemical peels to remove unwanted areas of the skin as has been practiced for centuries, and it was within the last twenty to thirty years that dermatologists began looking for how they can be used to give a controlled reaction of the chemicals that were to use.

TCA peels were found to give the best and most consistent results. Essentially, the TCA peel results in a controlled burn that will peel off multiple layers of skin at once and reveal the fresh skin underneath. It is important to ensure that only a 20-45% TCA solution is used; If a stronger solution is used, there is a possibility that there is some possibility of scarring and darkening of the skin.

When you look at the TCA peel, you may be wondering what is in it. The truth is that it is very simple and straightforward. Despite the word “acid”, a TCA peel is actually not as painful as the other commonly used tattoo removal methods. At the end of treatment, many people compare it to sunburn or windburn. You will find that you also have the option of doing it at home, on your own, or with a dermatologist. Whether you choose to go the solo route or hire a professional to do it for you, it is largely considered your decision. You will discover that everything depends on the firmness of your hand.

How does TCA remove a tattoo? Essentially, when you’re ready to use a TCA peel, you’ll wipe some of the acid off on a cotton swab and then spread it over your skin. Basically, the chemical peel will create inflammation on the skin above the tattoo. This inflammation will cause the ink in your tattoo to break off and then travel to the top of the dead skin layer, even as new skin is forming underneath. One of the real advantages of this method is that the acid only provides the catalyst for your body to do what it would do anyway. Although there is no genuine natural process to get rid of a tattoo, this could be the closest one.

In two weeks, often less, you will find that the treated skin will peel off. After the skin has peeled off your body, you will often find that the tattoo in question is significantly lighter in tone, but is definitely not gone yet. A TCA peel will often take several sessions to do its job fully, and another will be safe to do in about six weeks. While you will find that TCA peels can be applied earlier, it’s actually best to wait and let all traces of the chemical peel wash off your body before trying another one. When looking for complete tattoo removal, remember that you may be looking at several sessions before you get the result you are looking for. You will also find that darker colors tend to take longer to fade than lighter ones.

When looking at the risks involved in this treatment, keep in mind that everyone reacts differently to things. For example, if you have very sensitive skin, you will want to consult with a dermatologist before trying this procedure, and you may want a professional to help you take care of it. On the other hand, you may find that if you have been working with a 20% solution and you are not getting the results you want, you should look for a different formula that will give you a more dramatic result.

If you are in a place where you are looking to remove a tattoo or permanent makeup, you will find that it is important to find out what a TCA peel can do for you. Take some time and make sure you think about the results you are looking for, and if you have any questions, take the time to discuss them with a dermatologist. When you want a clean slate in more ways than one, take some time and find out what this treatment can do for you!

Another extremely important point to remember is that “Not all ACTs are the same!” This means that many TCA vendors are not reputable. Some even sell dilute solutions at exorbitant prices.

Some will actually sell you TCA with no actual instructions on how to apply and use it safely. THIS CAN BE VERY DANGEROUS!

It is always best to find a TCA manufacturer / supplier / vendor who has a proven track record of real photos and customer results.

When you find the right TCA tattoo removal kit, you’ll “know” it! You will find that there are kits that are professionally produced and manufactured. They will have exceptional prices, low worldwide shipping, and will come with fully comprehensive instructions on how to use and apply it. YOU CAN’T HELP BUT SEE THE TOTAL PROFESSIONALISM. Visible results and safety are paramount!