What makes some teenagers pull the trigger or jump from a considerable height when they know they have friends they can contact? How does a teen’s suicide affect siblings, parents, close friends, and fellow students? How does it impact the impressionable teenager who remotely identified with the one who took his life?

Within two days, many Arapahoe County students committed suicide. While an Arapahoe High School junior took his life by jumping from the mall parking lot, a 13-year-old Powell High School student shot himself within 24 hours. Coincidentally, both boys had posted about their intention on social media, and while friends and family were frantic to track them down and help, it was too late.

The twin suicides in Arapahoe County have been a wake-up call for many. Whether it’s schools woefully lacking in student advisors or parents who haven’t connected with their wards, or social media, the twin suicides in a short period of time have made Littleton’s gated community sit up and take notice. In Arapahoe, this is the eighth suicide this year.

Unable to contain her complaint and reeling from shock, one of the students took her anger out on Twitter. “Wake up. Do something different. Change the culture. Let’s be real,” she wrote. School is supposed to be the best time in life, but these types of tragedies are an indication that something is clearly wrong.

Identifying depression in a child

Arapahoe, with nearly 2,200 students and only six counselors and two psychologists on board, lacks professionals trained to treat problems such as low self-esteem, stress, depression and low morale in students. When incidents like these occur in quick succession, there is a serious impact on the fragile minds of many who knew the victim or might be harboring the same thoughts.

When a child talks about suicide, it should not be taken as an empty threat. It could be a symptom of depression or yearning for parental attention and trust. Consistent depressing posts or sad photos on social media accounts should not be treated with contempt and ridicule. Instead of putting children down further, friends and family need to respond with genuine concern and show them that they care and are around if needed.

Stephanie Ratner, a therapist at the Denver Mental Health Center based on the Montbello school campus, calls for immediate vigilance regarding suicide-related posts, saying the boy could be “testing the waters to see if someone cares”. She advises parents to monitor their children’s social media accounts and be more inquisitive about what is going on in their lives. As the entire Arapahoe community shows strength in times of grievance, it is time to take preventative action and create support programs for children before they take a drastic step.

Know when to communicate

It is essential to communicate with a peer, a school counselor, or someone at home when you feel tired of life. Long periods of sadness and melancholy should never be ignored. They could endure serious mental health issues like depression or anxiety disorders. Although social media helps connect people, it also has a darker side. Parents should encourage their limited use and educate their children about the benefits of more interesting activities like reading, painting, or dancing.