“If you focus on what you want, you will attract what you want. If you focus on the lack of what you want, you will attract more of the lack.” -Abraham Hicks

In order to successfully manifest your ideal life, it is important to know how to focus on alignment with Source Energy (God) and who you really are (an extension of Source Energy). When you are aligned, there is nothing you cannot be, do, or have.

When you are aligned, you are a vibrational match to your desires. To be a vibrational match, you have to keep your focus on feeling good.

For many, this may be easier said than done. “Reality” can be a stifling distraction and throw you off course if you’re not steadfast in your commitment to prosper.

In addition to the daily challenges, it takes time to unravel years of negative conditioning and retrain yourself to act and think more positively.

Make the decision that the only thing that really matters is feeling good.

Choose to make it easy and fun, then take inspired action. With constant practice and effort, you will become an affective enabler of a happy life and an irresistible magnet for whatever you ask for.

Practice Focusing on Alignment Daily

To help you stay positively focused, it is recommended that you set aside time each day with the intention of raising your vibration, so that you can stay “tuned in, connected, turned on” – as Abraham-Hicks would say.

Your daily focus time can be as simple or complicated as you like, but be sure to choose processes and activities that you enjoy and feel good about doing.

If you feel resistance, it won’t do you any good. It can take time to develop the skill for some activities, such as meditation or EFT Tapping, but it is well worth the time to master it because of the benefit of raising your vibrational frequency.

Ideally, it’s best to reserve a minimum of 15 minutes a day for your focus time, preferably in the morning if possible, to help set the tone for the rest of the day.

If you have a busy schedule and time is an issue, ask your Inner Self: “What would it take to have a daily focus time to raise my vibration?” Then follow your inner guide.

To prevent boredom and keep your focus time fun and interesting, rotate the processes you use from time to time.

My own personal focus time changes often. Sometimes I include journaling or reading inspirational books, but my current routine takes around 30 minutes and goes something like this:

I start with 15 minutes of meditation and allow my mind to be still and quiet. Next, I spend time visualizing my life as I want it to be. I imagine myself having everything I want and I speak softly to myself in the present tense. “Thank you Universe for my beautiful beach house on Maui. I love it here. I love the warm sand under my feet in the morning as I walk. I love the gentle waves of the ocean around my ankles…” Sometimes I get so involved in the scene in my mind that it makes me laugh or even cry from sheer delight. And I ask, “How can it get better than this?”

If you’re having a particularly busy day and can’t get your focus time, at the very least, connect with your Inner Being and fill yourself with light. This only takes a minute and is a powerful step in maintaining your vibration throughout the day.

And remember, above all else, stay positive, be happy, and feel good!

Tips for Focusing on Alignment

Below is a list of activities and processes that I have collected from various sources and have personally used at one time or another. Feel free to add your own or make up new ones if you feel inspired. The important thing is to make time and “just do it!”


Meditation is a powerful tool for improving your focus because it allows you to calm your mind and get into a “zone.”

There are many forms of meditation, including breathing, mindfulness, guided, spiritual, and activity-oriented meditation, just to name a few. You can meditate sitting, standing, lying down, walking, and even dancing.

All spiritual growth and law of attraction teachers recommend meditation as a way to raise your vibration.

2. Journal

Journaling offers a level of reflection and organization where you can express your feelings and sort out what is going on in your mind.

It’s a place to capture ideas, plans, and actions, and it can help you find patterns, solve challenges, and focus your thoughts.

A journal is a source of inspiration and a record of your progress. You can journal online or with pen and paper.

Journaling is not limited to just writing words. You can add photos, magazine clippings, or drawings. Your journal can be a real journal, or you can use a notebook (my personal preference), or your computer.

It’s the perfect place to write your affirmations and riots of gratitude, among many other fun writing activities.

3. Abraham-Hicks processes

in his book ask and it will be given to youAbraham offers 22 proven processes that will help you raise your vibration and improve your point of attraction.

Of the 22 listed, I recommend the following to specifically increase your power of concentration: Rampage of Appreciation, Focus Wheel, Creative Workshop, Virtual Reality, The Book of Positive Aspects, Scripting, and Clearing Clutter for Clarity.

Check out his book for the full list.

4. Vision board

Creating a vision board is a fun and easy way to stay aligned with your dreams by imprinting your brain with the images and words of your ideal life.

Having this visual representation up front is a powerful reminder of what your values ​​and priorities are, and it keeps you inspired and excited.

5. Declarations

Louise Hay, the queen of affirmations, used positive intent statements to help heal herself from cancer.

Repeating positive affirmations can help you overcome your limiting beliefs and negative self-talk, and move in the direction of the life you want to create for yourself.

6. Abraham-Hicks Videos

One of my favorite ways to stay on track is to listen to Abraham-Hicks videos. Since I regularly add them to my Law of Attraction Resource Guide website, I have listened to hundreds of them and never tire of hearing his teachings. They inspire me and keep me tuned in, connected and turned on!

7. Inspirational books

Reading inspirational books is a great way to help you stay focused and you can learn new things along the way!

You will attract whatever you focus on, whether it is what you want or what you don’t want. Learn to keep your focus on the path to manifest the life you want.