With a large number of highly intuitive mobile apps available on Google Play, it becomes difficult to optimize your app and get a consistent number of downloads. For your app to be successful, it is essential to do your research well and come up with a unique strategy to present your app as better and better performing than the rest.

Following this fact, here are some of the most productive optimization tips to increase your app’s visibility on Google Play.

Do your research and put specific keywords in the description and name

Keyword research has always been an important part of a process that includes any optimization strategy aimed at a search algorithm. Try to use the set of keywords that are relevant to the application. Also, try to pick a set of keywords that enjoy the highest traffic scores and support changes to rank high as well.

Increase the visual appeal of the application

When considering the concept of App Store Marketing, using images that serve the interests of browsers is a key strategy to work on. You will need to choose screenshots that accurately convey the main features of your app. This, in turn, will give users a good reason to download your app.

Track your progress

It is important to check how your app ranks for specific keywords by using different performance measurement metrics. The different types of measurement metrics help to offer a clear view on the effectiveness of the optimization strategies, which allows users to know their position in the market.

Create an attractive app and get good ratings

Build an app that provides great value for your investment and your app will get rave reviews. Gaining favorable user feedback will help improve your app’s ranking on Google Play search results pages, which will help drive consumers to make the final decision.

Launch of promotional videos

Before purchasing an app, most consumers prefer to see how an app works. Marketing on Google Play instead of the Apple Store has the great advantage of including a YouTube clip of the app in action. This serves as a great opportunity to show customers what the product is, how it works, how it serves as a unique option, and most importantly why people are downloading it.

A well-built app directly impacts the various performance metrics related to the product. This certainly includes download growth, number of downloads, installs, number of ratings, and frequency of use as well. These facts and figures help to understand how well the mobile app is performing and whether or not it requires any kind of improvement while optimizing on Google Play.