The goal of this article, like all of my articles, is to provide you with concise, to-the-point, step-by-step information that you can use to drive potential customers to your blog. You won’t have to navigate theory or technical jargon. At a glance, you’ll be able to put what you learn here into practice. With that said, keep reading to discover five blogging mistakes you can eliminate today:

1. Too much “me” and not enough “you”

Your blog will be more successful in generating real estate leads if you speak to readers as if you were sitting across from them at the kitchen table.

Notice how in the previous sentence I frequently used variations of the word “you.” That’s because I want you to feel like you’re having a personal conversation with me. Isn’t that virtually what you’re doing? You are the only person sitting in front of your computer screen reading what I have written.

When you’ve completed your blog post, edit it to include as many “you” words as possible. And while you’re at it, make sure you have fewer “I” or “me” words than “you” words. Blogs that generate leads from real estate listings are more about “you” and less about “me.”

2. All meatless appetizers

While your blog readers want to feel like you’re their friend, they also want to feel like you know something about real estate that they don’t.

It’s good to include a personal story or anecdote, but only when it relates to the main informational topic of your blog post. Remember, readers want to know what you as an expert, not a casual observer, have to say about real estate.

3. Do not use keywords

If you don’t use keywords on your blog, it won’t rank well in search engines. And that’s critical if you want potential customers to find your blog. You can use keywords in many ways, which I will write about in detail in other articles. For now, let’s start with the bare minimum:

  • Determine the keywords relevant to the real estate listing prospects you want to attract. To do this, I recommend paying Sizzling Studios $125 to do some keyword analysis for you. Click on the following link to learn more about choosing keywords and what Sizzling Studios can do for you: Sizzling SEO
  • Use a keyword in the title of your blog post.
  • Use that same keyword (and one or two more keywords if you want) in the content. As a general rule, use one keyword per paragraph, or every other paragraph.

4. Format your post as an essay

Netizens like gushing information. Instead of reading your blog word for word, readers search for information, searching for keywords and phrases that interest them.

So what makes a blog scannable? We’ll see:

  • liza – Whether you use bullets or numbers, lists are popular with readers. List items are scannable and can hook readers with just a glance.
  • headers – Turn essay format posts into scannable posts by adding headers above paragraphs. An effective headline is short, informative, and bold.
  • blank space – It has been proven that the human eye is more relaxed when there are blank spaces on a page. To increase the amount of white space, use short paragraphs with a blank line between each one. Need examples of short paragraphs? Take a look at the paragraph length of this article.

5. Let your blog die

You’ve taken the time to set up a blog and you’re even off to a good start. You’ve been blogging for two or three weeks and you decide to take a day off without posting. Suddenly, a day turns into a week.

It’s easy to write when a blog is new. What is not easy is to maintain a blog over time. But it’s only over time that you’ll see a blog lead to real estate leads. This may not happen in the first few weeks or even the first few months, but with patience and consistency, it will happen.