The garage can provide a vital addition to our homes. It is a small outbuilding where we can begin our handyman activities, store our excess possessions, and park our vehicles. With technology advancing as fast as it has in recent years, the traditional garage door is slowly becoming a thing of the past. Today’s pioneering garage technology has seen a rapid increase in electric garages in homes across the country. If you’re curious about the advantages these garage doors offer, read on…


In an era where crime rates have skyrocketed, we all need to take extra cautious steps to protect our assets. Traditional garages do little to deter thieves and keep them out of our possessions. Of all the robberies and break-ins that are committed, the vast majority are in garages. This is simply due to the fact that garages are easier to penetrate than other facilities. Traditional garage locks can be easily picked and manipulated by thieves, allowing easy entry. Remote controlled garage doors have taken this into account and have done away with deadbolts altogether. Instead, the lock is controlled by the remote and electric motor, leaving thieves with little chance of breaking and entering.


We all love comfort. Whether it’s having the world at your fingertips via the Internet or your smartphone, or ordering takeout because you can’t be bothered to go to the store, convenience is…well…convenient. The good news is that remote control garage doors provide the ultimate convenience. The gate can be operated with a simple touch of a button, and remote controls can often be operated from a distance. This is perfect for closing your garage door when you are in the garden or in a room in your house. It’s also perfect for when you’re driving home from work, since you don’t need to get out of your car to lift a heavy garage door. Instead, press a button and the electric motor does the rest.


This is another fantastic feature of remote controlled garages. For many of us, space is something we could definitely use more of. The longer we stay in our homes, the more and more goods and possessions we accumulate. Eventually, we run out of space and risk cluttering our garage or home. Because electric garage doors fold neatly into a box top, they provide a lot of extra space for your garage. You’ll have plenty of room to store items on your roof, and you’ll have extra headroom to maneuver items in and out of your garage.