Unmodified codes can be run for an extra meter of fun, but they void any warranty on the game that the company might have initially proposed. WoW WotLK cheats aim to bring great fun, but the game doesn’t fall short anyway. In addition to cheats, players will find that WoW WotLK Macros are available.

Northrend, which is the same size as Outland, is the new continent for the extended version of WoW. The previous expansion was Burning Crusade. It had its own virtue but this time the contest is much more intriguing. Alliance and Horde warriors are battling scourges and deadly minions. The leader of the minions is the Lich King himself. The Lich King has the frozen themed throne on the runeblades and is imbued with the spirit of Neth’rul.

He will leave no stone unturned to create complete devastation on Azeroth. The previous paladin will use all of his lethal power to animate his scourges into action. The good thing is that this time the players also have great powers, as the level for them is 80. In the previous Burning Crusade expansion, the level was 70. There is also a lot of player-to-player combat on the card that will be distributed in newer and newer battlefields with the allure of destructible buildings and siege weapons. These wars are impressive, to say the least.

Azeroth is the territory the Lich King seeks to cleanse completely and it really is going to be a close battle from here. The flying mounts are there and so are the heroes of death. The dungeons are many and the low level dungeons can fit 5 level 70 players at the start.