A game is supposed to be played in the manner of knights. There is a very nice term that is taught to almost all aspiring beginners in any kind of games. It is – ‘Sportsman’s spirit’. The term sounds so small but it has profound implications. As a player, you can only boast of his sportsmanship when you feel that he is playing the game properly without hurting his strict principles.

Any time you resort to any unwarranted and illegal means, it is no longer fair game. An act of deceit on his part would make him impure. Even though your act perpetuates your victorious position in the game, you would still be responsible to your soul. A prick in conscience would disturb your conscience forever.

In fact, if you take a hurried journey through the history of the gaming world, you’ll begin to encounter a fascinating series of reprehensible acts of cheating that have ultimately turned the game’s filth-free image into pillars. Many cases can be mentioned in this regard. Ben Johnson’s act of doping that led to his shameful disqualification, Maradona using his hand in a frantic effort to pass the ball into the England net, Kelvin Sampson being fired from his job as Indiana University basketball coach, the 2007 record firing of a staggering number of around 12 NBA referees by the National Basketball Association.

Cheating of such gigantic proportions, especially in the professional gaming arena, strictly dilutes the standard of the game. Being involved in such a heinous act as cheating a certain player not only ruins his own image but at the same time jeopardizes the esteem of the team to which he belongs. One slander point is enough to ruin a player’s lifetime hard canvas. Therefore, it is imperative that everyone not instigate the slightest desire to cheat under any circumstances, even though the prospects may seem so enticing.