When it comes to losing fat, the big debate is which is the best exercise to burn fat, cardio or weights? The correct answer is a combination of the two, but if I had to choose one to use, I’d choose cardio, but only if it’s done the right way. And by correct form I mean doing interval training workout routines.

Steady rhythm is the popular choice, but is it the right way to go?

Most people do what is called steady state when they do cardiovascular exercise. This is simply working at a set pace for a certain period of time. Now you can get results with this, but it is not the most effective and fastest way to reach your goals. I also believe that you put yourself at risk of injury from overuse of joints and muscles.

Raising the intensity is vital when it comes to burning fat

Intensity is the big word when it comes to fat loss and to create this you need to work at higher levels. However, working in this high-intensity zone is very challenging and not sustainable for long periods of time, so this is where interval training comes into play. Interval training workout routines are really just a strategy of alternating periods of high and low intensities over a period of time. A normal HIIT workout can be done on a treadmill, stationary bike, rowing machine, elliptical, or even with bodyweight or free weight exercises.

A training example would be working at a high intensity for 30 seconds followed by 90 seconds of low intensity and keep repeating this pattern for a total of 8 intervals.

Why Interval Training is the best exercise to burn fat

The reason interval training workouts are so effective for burning fat is due to the increased metabolic activity in the body AFTER the workout. This is called “afterburning” and it’s the secret weapon when it comes to losing fat. Although a classic cardio session may actually burn more calories during the workout, your metabolic activity soon returns to normal after you’re done. However, due to the higher intensity of interval training, your metabolism will be kicking into high gear for many hours later, which means that in a period of, say, 24 hours, you will have burned many more calories as a result of your training. Remember that the best results for fat loss come from what happens after we leave the gym, not while we’re there.

Another reason this stands out is that high intensity workouts raise the levels of HGH (Human Growth Hormone) in the body. This hormone is one of the main fat-reducing hormones in the body, so the more you have, the easier it is to become and stay slimmer. Doing intense exercises like interval training can trigger this HGH response and this is why research has shown that interval training can be six times more effective at burning fat than the normal approach to cardio training.

In summary

Most people will still follow the traditional approach to cardio because it’s all they know or are afraid to step out of their comfort zone and work at a higher level. Yes, interval training workouts can be tough, but you don’t have to go crazy at first. Just start with small increases in intensity and slowly work your way up until you can really start working at your highest level. I guarantee that when you feel the buzz after every workout, and more importantly, see the results, you’ll be hooked.