There aren’t many organizations, regardless of their size or the industry they’re in, that can’t benefit from using smarter outsourced IT in the form of cloud computing and managed service agreements. However, for growing companies they are especially important. Why? Because even more than cost savings and productivity gains, they provide something even more valuable: flexibility.

Using cloud computing and an outsourced IT partner, your company’s technology becomes scalable. That means that no matter how fast your sales grow, or even if you need to scale back operations for a while, you can do it without incurring huge costs while still being able to take advantage of new opportunities as they arise.

Consider any of these four situations:

1. Your sales are growing rapidly and you need new IT investments. With traditional technology fixes, too many businesses can become one big problem. Here’s why: Investing tens of thousands of dollars in new servers, software licenses, and communications upgrades is a greater risk when the long-term viability of new accounts is unknown. However, with managed services and cloud computing, you have the flexibility to scale operations for as long as you need, without breaking the bank.

2. You need to save on IT expenses. Of course, things also go backwards sometimes. It may be that a competitive landscape, loss of customers, or investments in other parts of the business are forcing you to cut back on technology. With a scalable cloud computing and managed services platform, you can make this decision easily—and without the costs associated with letting go of full-time employees.

3. Your company has a sudden need for new technology. It’s not just about whether your business can grow or shrink with cloud computing and managed services. Sometimes what is needed is something completely different. Particularly with cloud computing, you can explore new applications, software ideas, and collaborative platforms for a low monthly fee, instead of having to invest a lot of money in them while you’re not sure if they’ll be a good fit or not.

4. You are not sure what the future will bring. This is probably the most common situation where managed services and cloud computing come into play, and the most important. Since few of us can accurately predict what the challenges will be in the next 12-24 months, having the option to change the size, configuration, or capabilities of your technology setup can be a huge advantage. Change is the only constant in today’s world, and you have to be prepared for whatever is around the corner.

To learn more about the many ways cloud computing and managed services can bring flexibility and scalability to your organization, contact one of our account managers for a free consultation.