This morning I had a hard time leaving the house. For a long time, I couldn’t find my wallet. I went through all the usual places he used to show up; On the kitchen counter, next to the computer, in the refrigerator … (No kidding.) Only when my mind began to accept the fact that I might have to leave without it, was I able to find it. It was actually dumped in a bin where we keep our dog’s food. (I’m still not sure how it got there, but that’s another story anyway.) This phenomenon is quite common. For whatever reason, we only find something, when we feel good about not finding it. This encompasses the whole essence of releasing your emotional attachment to something. As you scan every word in this document, you’ll discover new ways to think about putting your wishes aside to really make them easier.

There is a well-known saying that goes like this: “If you want something strong enough, you will get it.” In fact, the opposite of that is true. The more you want something, the more you end up pushing it away. I know it can be difficult for you to make sense of it. Many people wonder why wanting something really takes them away from you.

Think of it this way. When you want something, you’re essentially noticing that you don’t really have it. Let me repeat that last sentence, because you need to remember it. When you want something, you’re essentially noticing that you don’t really have it. When you send your vibrations about the lack of something, to the universe, that is precisely what you will receive.

So how do you fix this? It seems almost impossible, doesn’t it? How do you want something without wanting it? After all, if at least it doesn’t evoke the desire to do so; there will be no motivation to go looking for it.

Now you are probably thinking that I am going to ask you to think like a monk or a sage and “let go of your earthly desires”. But if you have read any of my material, you will definitely know that this is not my style. In fact, I’m salivating for a fiery red sports car as I write this article.

It’s okay! You can absolutely want and desire things, but you must do it in a certain way. Here’s the trick.

You may want something, but don’t let that desire become a need. The moment your “desire” becomes a “need”, negative feelings about it begin to emerge. Frustration and depression can stem from the fact that you don’t actually have it. Keep the desire playful. Think of it like ordering something from an online store, like Amazon or Overstock. The moment you approve the order, how do you feel? You’re probably excited and optimistic that your article will arrive on your doorstep in the near future, right? This is how attracting something should feel. When you feel the inevitability of something, it becomes that!

Try to get the feeling that you want something, but accept the fact that you may never get it. I know, some wishes are harder to feel this way than others. Here’s a trick I learned from reading a book called “The Sedona Method” by Hale Dwoskin. (Available for some time and an excellent read).

Welcome the feeling to the best of your ability first. Remember, “What resists persists.” Then visualize it as a stone in your hand. Hold that stone in a closed fist. Ask yourself, “Could you let it go?” Regardless of your answer, tell yourself “Yes.” Then ask yourself, “Would you let it go?” Again, regardless of your answer, say to yourself, “Yes.” Then open your hand and visualize dropping the stone. I don’t know why it works, but by doing this exercise, you really feel like you effectively let it go.

Even better; Find ways to feel grateful that you have already received what you want.

Don’t consider me a nut yet. Let me break it down into something that makes a little more sense. Albert Einstein, Michio Kaku, and many other leading physicists agree that time is not a constant stream of the past, then the present, and then the future. They theorize that all time happens at once. Our limited perception actually makes us experience time in such a linear way. What’s even better? all possible outcomes all occur at once, and our observation collapses those possibilities in our reality. In other words, what you want to manifest in your life ALREADY belongs to you.

Also, don’t make your mindset so full of what you want to attract into your life. Play around with the idea of ​​getting something even better than you want, it may be something you haven’t considered yet. Your higher self (spirit, god, etc.), who is infinitely in tune with what is best for you, may have a better idea waiting for you to accept it.

Let me illustrate you.

As an example, let’s say Jim fell madly in love with Madeline. He thinks that she is the most beautiful, intelligent and sweet person he has ever met. But there is a problem. She is married and has been for the past 3 years. He’s so depressed about not being able to start a relationship with her that he doesn’t realize that Kimberly, a swimsuit model / open-heart surgeon, continues to flirt with him over the course of a few weeks. And unless you put your crush on Madeline aside, you may never notice.

Here is the main idea that you should extract from this article; life is not as serious as you think. The more you can approach it with a curious and playful attitude, the better. Experts agree that your higher self came into this existence to experience a fun time. They want to play with the wonder of mortality and the limitation that this existence offers. When you approach life in this way, everything becomes easy, you make decisions intuitively, the good things in life seem to fall into your lap.