So, you finally decided to get your first tattoo and you can hardly contain your excitement. The only real problem you have is knowing exactly what the numbers are going to be when it comes to determining the total cost of the tattoo. Perhaps this is where many people lose a bit of the original excitement of getting their first tattoo, but this decline may be too premature.

The fact is, unless you’re intimately familiar with the price range at a particular tattoo parlor, you can’t really figure out what the price of your tattoo might be. First impressions of this enigma are a bit disconcerting. How often do you decide to buy something without having an idea of ​​how much it will cost? Also, since this is a first tattoo, where do you start?

Here are some things to know before determining the cost of your tattoo:

Design – If you’re going with a traditional design that’s just off the wall, you’re probably not looking for a high-priced tattoo. However, if you decide to get a custom design for yourself, the price will surely increase. The same goes for size and its impact on price as well.

Complexity – There is no doubt that any design that is simple will mean less work for the artist, and that means less cost. But if you have something epic in mind, be prepared for a higher price.

To color or not to color – In the same vein of complexity, if you decide to include color in your tattoo, you are adding another dimension of work to the mix and taking advantage of the artist’s resources.

Placement – A tattoo on the chest may very well differ in price from one that is placed over the ribcage. As such, inking the knuckles and toes can also differ in price from something that’s stamped across the shoulder blades.

Don’t make a concession – Getting a tattoo from a great artist is more than just a status symbol among the tattooed masses. It means that you really value the artist’s quality and workmanship enough to save money for his services. You can always go for an artist who fits your budget and does a good job, but there’s no reason you can’t save a little more to really get the right person for the job.

The cost of the tattoo should not be something that diminishes the excitement you have about getting a tattoo. Whether it’s your first piece of body art or another in a long series of dedicated pieces, you’re spending money to put it on display. With that being said, be a proactive consumer and visit tattoo parlors to get an idea of ​​the prices you may be seeing. If you get the chance, meet the artists as well. You may find that being comfortable with your surroundings and the artist working with you can overcome your original misgivings about what you’re paying for.