Dump truck design has come a long way since this vehicle was initially developed in the first quarter of the 20th century. There are a myriad of these vehicles available in dump truck sales with designs to suit various applications. There’s one notable design that took this basic vehicle to a whole new level and it’s known as the three-way tipper; is a unique design innovation that revolutionizes the way this equipment is used.


Standard – The standard version consists of a steel box body mounted at the rear of the cab which is hinged to the rear end of the vehicle chassis. The hinges allow the dump bed to lift vertically. A single massive hydraulic ram also connects the frame and bottom of the bed and provides the force to lift the bed at a steep angle to empty the contents.

While the standard version of this vehicle is efficient at unloading whatever has been collected in its box, it does have some limitations. The download platform can only download through its backend. This means that, in most cases, operators will have to back up and maneuver to get the equipment into the correct position to unload at the correct location. Maneuvering the truck takes time and costs money because of the additional fuel required. It can also be a problem when the dump site does not have enough room to maneuver.

three way tipper – While standard dump trucks can only dump their contents at the rear of the vehicle, the 3-Way Tipper is capable of dumping on three sides. The two are similar in terms of the design of the base frame, as well as the bed, and both use the same reinforced frame for stability along with a metal crate to carry the material.

The three-way tipper feature that makes it so unique is located under the dump bed. The new design uses four hydraulic cylinders, each equipped with a cross joint to allow movement. By lifting two of the hydraulic cylinders located on the right side of the chassis, the bed tilts to the left. In the same way, if the hydraulic cylinders on the left side are raised, the bed will tilt to the right. To perform the same function as a standard dump truck, the operator can lift both hydraulic cylinders located behind the cab to tilt the bed back.

Advantages of the three-way tipper design

  • faster download – With the 3-Way Tipper, operators can reduce their dumping time because it eliminates the need to back up, maneuver and position equipment just to get the contents to land in the right place.
  • canned fuel – Maneuvering the burnt fuel unloading equipment. Since maneuvering is generally not necessary with the new design, it helps save fuel.
  • Less space needed to download – Unloading in a tight space is something drivers have trouble dealing with. Backing up and maneuvering in a tight space can be dangerous. With the new design, operators may not necessarily have to back up every time, so there is less risk of hitting anything that might be behind the truck.

The three-way tipper is a break from the conventional design of trucks normally sold at tipper sales. With this new concept comes increased functionality and efficiency. It’s no wonder that with all these productive new features, more interest is being shown in the three-way dump truck!