This article will describe the causes of candida overgrowth and what you should do about it. One cause is mercury. The problem with mercury is that you can get it from a variety of sources besides fillers, from a coal-burning power plant to fish to most vaccine preservatives.

But mercury isn’t the only thing that can lead to candida overgrowth. Anything that causes a change in the immune system can cause it. Some viruses damage the system by causing the cells they infect to produce a chemical that tells the immune base to shut down some functions, which protects the virus and also allows candida to flourish.

Some mutations of the type A influenza virus, the HHV6 virus, and Epstein Barr viruses such as Mono and Herpes can do this, among others. Other contaminants can affect the body’s immune system. Anything that kills the beneficial bacteria in your intestines (such as antibiotics) can cause candida to overgrow, which then disrupts your immune system, making you more vulnerable to more candida.

Once candida has established itself, it mimics some of the immune system’s chemicals to change the function of the system, protecting itself. Once you eliminate candida, the body’s immune system may not recover to protect itself. That’s why once a person gets candida, they’re likely to be on a candida diet for life, unless their immune system returns to normal.

Eliminating allergies through NAET therapy can help. There are supplements that can help bring immune protection back to normal. IP-6 and Formula 560 Transfer Factor, for example. Mitakki mushroom is used to treat people with cancer. Pine Cone extract from Japan and an extract called Earth Dragon Peptides also help. Since Essiac tea is used to treat cancer, we assume that it has immune-switching abilities. There are other things that are available through prescription.

By the way, once your immune system goes off the rails, you’re more vulnerable to developing tooth decay and abscesses, regardless of how much fluoride they contain or how much sugar you eat. Anyone who has had cavities has evidence of having a compromised immune system.