If you have shaky hands and feel like you can’t concentrate before lunch, no matter if you had a snack after breakfast, we may suspect that you are suffering from reactive hypoglycemia, it may be in the early phase, and this may be an annoying accident, but if left untreated, this condition will simply get worse. Here we’re going to look at how to stabilize your blood sugar levels to help you avoid those crashes.

Commonly hypoglycemia occurs due to adrenal fatigue, the adrenal glands produce cortisol and by not working properly we get lower cortisol in the blood. The liver has to work harder to convert glycogen into blood sugar, during stress insulin levels rise because cells demand more energy, and without adequate levels of cortisol to raise blood sugar levels, it is impossible meet the increased demand.

People who suffer from adrenal fatigue when even under mild stress such as an argument at work are unable to produce the increased blood glucose demand as a result of the fatigued adrenals being unable to cope with the necessary cortisol, increasing insulin by At the same time the demand for glucose is increasing, setting the stage for tragedy.

You can’t treat low blood sugar diabetes with coffee and sweet snacks, this just sends your body on a constant rollercoaster ride through the day, in the end you’re just going to fall back exhausted without doing anything. It’s like driving with the brakes on and the gas pedal at the same time.

More than sixty percent of people with diabetes with low blood sugar become diabetic!

You can be on the other side of the fence with a hypoglycemic diet while treating your adrenal glands and in less than 3 months you can improve remarkably.