If you are someone who likes to follow a low-carb diet plan to better control your blood sugar levels and see faster rates of weight loss, you may be interested in considering a diet plan called a targeted ketogenic diet. .

If you are not familiar with the ketogenic diet plan, this is a very low carbohydrate diet containing only 5% of total calories from carbohydrates. The remaining calories come from 30% protein and 65% dietary fat. Together, these put you into a state called ketosis, where your body is running out of an alternative fuel source.

The problem with this type of diet, however, apart from the fact that it is difficult to maintain, is that you cannot perform any intense exercise while using it because you are not supplying the amount of carbohydrates necessary to do so. On top of that, food cravings are very likely because let’s face it; it is difficult to follow a diet without carbohydrates. You probably love carbs and cutting them out completely won’t be easy.

Ultimately, nutritional deficiencies can result from this approach. Many of the most nutritious foods in the world are carbohydrates: fruits and vegetables, and even these are limited on this diet.

Enter the targeted ketogenic diet. What is the targeted ketogenic diet all about? In this diet plan, you will do things a little differently. Instead of keeping your carb intake low at all times, you’ll increase your carb intake by adding more carbs to your diet during times when you’re active. Doing this will give your body the fuel it needs to complete your physical training, while also ensuring that you can still maintain a good nutritional intake. As long as you choose nutrient dense foods when selecting those carbohydrates, you should have no problem meeting your nutrient needs.

The amount of carbs you add during this time will depend on your goals…

  • the amount of exercise you are doing, and
  • The intensity,

so keep in mind that it is variable. However, most people can easily get away with 25 to 50 grams of carbohydrates before training and another 25 to 50 grams after the session. This will potentially give you 400 carb calories to play with, so indulge in nutrient-dense foods like…

  • sweet potatoes,
  • Beans,
  • oatmeal,
  • fruit
  • vegetables.

If you’re interested in the ketogenic diet but don’t want to go full keto, definitely consider this approach. It may be the best for you.