Technology advances at a fast pace and makes electronic components increasingly obsolete. New and innovative electronic components are coming onto the market, making it difficult for people to find end of life (EOL) electronic components. And it doesn’t help that the market is filled with all sorts of vendors, including unethical ones selling fake products to unsuspecting buyers.

People looking to buy electronic components aren’t sure where to start their search and which vendors to trust to place their order. As a buyer, it is essential that you make informed decisions to make the right decision. Here are the best tips for finding a reliable supplier of electronic components:

• Expand your reach – The first step in finding a reputable dealer for obsolete components is to search online using the right keywords. This significantly expands your reach, as you can check out local providers alongside those found nationally or internationally. There are many B2B and B2C sourcing platforms where suppliers are listed. Many of these platforms have strict criteria for allowing a provider to sign up and there is more of a chance that only legitimate providers will make the cut. You can go to any platform of your choice and choose a verified provider.

• Pick ‘n’ Choose – Once you have a few shortlisted candidates, you can visit their websites to check out their product line and customer reviews. If you are looking for IC component suppliers, you need to make sure that they have been in business for a long time and have many satisfied customers. You will be able to verify this by reading reviews about their products and services on their website, as well as in other online forums. An ISO 9001 registered company and a member of global organizations such as ERAI Inc., SMTA, among others, is always a better option than the rest.

• Use the power of social media – Social media can help you gather social proof about a vendor. You can visit the social profiles of providers you want to work with to collect social proof about them. If they do not have a presence, it simply shows that they have not yet kept pace with the changing times and are not the ideal partners for you. An idle profile or low tracking is also not a good sign. You should choose to work with a vendor who is active on social media and engages with their customers. Positive and negative reviews on social media websites are mostly authentic and show the true picture of a provider’s products and services.

• Meet the Vendor: If you’re someone who likes to meet a vendor before making a purchase, you may choose to attend trade shows to personally meet different vendors of obsolete components. You can take a look at what they have to offer and make up your mind. Also, knowing the suppliers directly ensures that you get authentic products at the best prices. This is because dealing directly with the supplier helps you cut out middlemen such as wholesalers and dealers.