The Lemonade, or Master Cleanse Diet, is gaining popularity online thanks to Beyonce announcing that she lost 20 pounds. in 10 days and how well she feels, etc. She makes it some kind of miracle diet. And why not, advertisers know that we have a soft spot for Hollywood stars and anything they endorse makes us consider it and buy whatever they try to advertise for us. It’s as if they did it and succeeded in doing it, then it must be true. As if we don’t know any better, we fall for it and try one fad diet after another without any success in the process.

So, here comes the lemonade diet. The first question, of course, is does it work? How does it work? The diet, or actually what is considered fasting, will ask you to drink lemonade with maple syrup, along with cayenne pepper 6 times a day for ten days or more.

In addition to that, you will need to drink a natural laxative made from water and 2 tablespoons of sea salt. This diet promises to cleanse your body and colon and give you a break from all the toxins – a wonderful combination of weight loss and detoxification. Sounds wonderful doesn’t it? But it works?

Well of course you do, but the question should be at what cost to you and your health? It is safe? Many people will forget to consider whether or not the diet they are about to try is safe. And many doctors will tell you that this intermittent cycle of dieting is very bad for your health and should be avoided because it puts us in a worse position to lose weight properly and can have adverse side effects on our internal organs.

The lemonade diet or lemonade fast only works because you are not eating anything. Think about it, if you don’t eat for ten days you will surely lose weight, even without this plan. The extra laxative that a person takes drastically puts them at risk because they will lose too much water, minerals, and other nutrients that the body needs. Continued use of laxatives will irritate your intestines and gut, and may make your system dependent on the substance.

Some testimonials offered on the internet will say that it works and that there are no side effects that they have experienced, that in fact they felt good after the cleansing diet. But if you look closely, these people are more tolerable and motivated than others, giving them the power to overlook all the pitfalls that any diet brings. But others are testifying to the terrible time they have had during this diet and attesting that they will never do it again because of all the health problems they experienced during the fasting or dieting period.

Finally, add the fact that once you finish this diet, even if you made it this far, you’ll start eating again and gain the weight back. This plan is simply not a long-term solution to weight loss and will only keep you on yo-yo dieting.

In the end, we can’t think of a single person to whom we can recommend this diet. There are much better diet plans available than one like this.