We are energetic, vibrational beings, in a vibrational universe with the law of attraction as captain of our ship. Sometimes my clients or friends will talk about the idea of ​​feeling stuck because things just aren’t moving for them. “Looks like I’m getting nowhere” is how they might say it. This is especially true if they are a bit older and think that their life is going on without them feeling happy or fulfilled.

And what I know to be true is that we can never get stuck because we are energetic, vibrational beings who are always on the move. What happens when we have this feeling of being stuck is that we are telling the same old story over and over again. Along with this old story are the same feelings and even though it seems like we’re stuck, we’re not, we just keep telling the same story and therefore getting the same results.

In order for things to change the way we would like them to change, we have to move our FEELING state. Yes, you heard me, it’s all about our emotions. Because this is a vibrational universe that is responding to our emotions, if we want things to be different, we need to move to a place that feels better.

Now this may not sound difficult and it really isn’t, but it’s careless thinking that stops people. We get so used to how we feel that we think it’s normal. But in all cases, if we are not getting the results we want, it means one thing and one thing only, we are not moving into our expanded self. We are holding back from what we want by nature of our EMOTIONAL STATE.

This is a universe based on the law of attraction, the most powerful law in the universe and everything that comes into our lives is what we have attracted through our EMOTIONS. Our emotions attract to us everything that arises in our reality. We are the creators of our own reality, whether we are aware of it or not.

So, to feel good about where we are, we must work on improving our emotional state. We can start by deciding to reach for those things that make us feel good every day. Most of us are responding to our circumstances, instead of focusing on what makes us feel good. The more we do this, the more things will change for us. Have fun with this, make it a game, and then watch amazing things change for you.

I will share a game that I play that is very fun. I live in the Canadian Rockies, my favorite place in the whole world and every day I go for a walk and hope to see wildlife. That is something that excites me to infinity. And so, I go out with the intention that today I see wildlife and inevitably every day, I see wildlife.

Today, for example, I was out and on my way home from my hike, three white-tailed deer crossed my path, right in front of me. It was literally like they were planted there just for me. They glided on with such grace and ease. I looked at the universe with great joy and said “thank you”, and then it felt so good to know that I co-created this experience through my thoughts and emotions. The universe and I were co-creators in this creation literally. We really are that powerful to make things like this happen. Trust me, it might sound weird, but that’s how it works.