When it comes to online social communities, people naturally gravitate towards them. Humans, by nature, are social animals. They are comfortable in groups and feed off the energy of others and like to exchange ideas with each other (among other things).

Being engaged and engaged is essential

You definitely need other people to be successful in business. In fact, without them, you won’t have any business. You need them to eventually buy what you are selling. For that reason, online social communities work well for many things, including giving yourself what the other wants and needs. You want your relationship to be mutually beneficial.

Whether you start an online social community or join one that has already been established, your approach will be the same (minus some possible administrative responsibilities you may have if you establish the community). It is important to remember that you are not alone, no matter what. A community is a group of people who share one or more common interests.

Social media is the backbone of online social communities

Social communities are very important to the success of most businesses. It is a classic case of washing one hand with the other. Businesses need online social communities to help them strengthen the social aspect of their institution. On the other hand, online social communities need business because they need to live and grow somewhere. Businesses can provide such a forum and platform for those online social communities to do just that. It is very important for you to remember that online social communities are not for personal use only. They are also extremely beneficial for businesses.

From a marketing perspective, combining online social communities with business is truly a marriage made in heaven. Those communities are the power behind successful marketing efforts by the company. Some of the positive results emerging from this alliance are that online social communities allow companies to:

  • Develop strong and lasting relationships and networks based on trust.
  • Gather people who can share a mutually beneficial relationship.
  • Participate in an active and successful engagement

A wide variety of online social communities.

The online social communities you choose for your brand / business will depend on the goals you have in mind. Those goals will lead you to pursue certain groups and certain people. You certainly have a host of communities to choose from. The communities you choose can be of great help in meeting the marketing needs of your business.

Now that you understand how online social communities work (more or less), it is important that you understand that participation is an essential part of the successful functioning of those communities. You should be aware that even though communities are social in nature, this does not mean that your company will not benefit from them in the way that you want them to. In fact, there are many effective tools you can take advantage of to get what you want from your involvement in these communities. Interestingly, there may be aspects of your communities that are not obvious (or even apparent).

For example, if you are a member of a community that has 2,000 members, you may still find that only 50 of those members are actively engaged in discussions and other interactions. The truth is that not all members want to be heard. Some people are just interested enough to listen and learn, which of course is fine too. However, you still need some people who are more vocal than that. Otherwise, no one would interact for anything. You want to encourage as many group members as possible to participate in the discussions that occur, but in the end you won’t have much control over them. There are many different ways to engage other people besides leaving a thought-provoking comment or question. You can take a survey (with three or four questions) or run a contest with an incentive (a discount on your products and / or services, some kind of prize, etc.).

Participation in online social communities does not happen by itself

You certainly clearly understand that online social communities are about people. The platforms and forums that are used are useful (you could even take a chance and say they are essential) but they are still not as important as the members of the community. In fact, the choice of the platform and the forum is not as important as the people. Communities can use many platforms / forums simultaneously. An added benefit of being a part of an online social community is that it gives you the support you may need to embrace what your competition is doing and gather some really valuable competitive intelligence.


The effectiveness of your online social communities depends, in large part, on community members and their ability to act as effective resources. In turn, you (and each member) will help each other get what is needed and wanted. After all, you are all part of the same community (think of it as a family) and that’s what families do. They help each other when necessary. You can use your online social communities in many different ways, including discussing products and / or services and getting valuable feedback, to help you take your business to the next level.