You are an expert in something. And you are also an expert in more than one thing. So why should you choose just one experience when you can market and sell two products that you are an expert in?

There’s no reason to get stuck in just one area of ​​expertise when you can get into multiple ones. There’s no reason why you can’t be the expert on two different things. It’s a huge world, and the world of the Internet is huge. Unless it is a totally conflicting experience that would conflict with the other, I would say yes, absolutely.

Why can’t someone be an expert in a couple of different things?

But if you’re looking at product creation, an even better solution would be to not be so expert. You could go interview other experts and have a whole line of products, like me. You can position yourself as the expert, without having the experience yourself.

For example, I have a reenactment of a speech with a guy named Eugene Schwartz, it’s a writing product and he’s the expert; I sell a product for that. I have joint venture interviews with other joint venture experts. I have a product called Joint Venture Magic that I sell.

I have a product that I sell with an expert on how to get your product into Wal-Mart. Art Hamel is my business buying expert. Richard is my expert in marketing consulting and so on.

There’s no limit to the number of products I can sell and there’s nothing adversarial because I’m just the guy asking the questions, they’re the experts. So I would tell anyone to consider interviewing experts rather than being the expert.