bug 1
Panicking over everything

The most common mistake is to panic about everything. They worry about the baby’s sleep, crying, food, and even what kind of clothes the baby should wear or what kind of toys the baby should play with. Worrying about everything wouldn’t do your baby any good. Take your baby for regular checkups and shots and stop worrying about everything. Worrying has never done anyone any good. If something really concerns you, seek expert advice.

father in panic

common mistake

mistake 2
Introducing TV and mobile too soon

Parents introduce these things to children because they believe that the Child will learn through these devices. Introducing mobile phones and television at an early age can affect your child’s brain development and have harmful effects on the eyes.

Young children have yet to develop the necessary skull bone density and protective tissue for the brain, and this makes them vulnerable to the effects of radiation.

Instead, play songs and rhymes on a music system.

Research has shown that light music aids in brain development and helps the child sleep peacefully.

baby playing with phone

common mistake

mistake 3
Not talking to your baby enough

Talk to your baby as much as possible and stay away from TV, cell phones and laptops. Research has shown that common daily interaction with your child is all it takes to promote excellent language development. The language skills parents provide children are richer than anything a television, computer, or mobile device can provide. Please make it a habit to recite a short story to your child every day.

not talk enough

common mistake

mistake 4
Do not give homemade food to your baby

When you cook food at home, you can control the ingredients. It will help control food allergies, boost immunity and keep baby away from diseases. Processed foods contain high sugar, preservatives, and artificial ingredients that are harmful to your child. Learn some simple and quick baby food recipes.

Do not give homemade food

common mistake

mistake 5
Never try sleep training

Most parents do not introduce a bedtime routine to their babies.

Choose a consistent bedtime for your child, and also create a daytime schedule for your baby that should include meals, playtime, bath time, story time, and time to explore outside.

Never try sleep training and routines

common mistake

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