The signs of attraction are hard to read and when men and women are attracted to each other it can be a feeling of overwhelming happiness or feelings of anxiety, stress and great frustration. However, men are hard to read and women can’t always be sure if they are interested or not, as women are often shy about their feelings, while men have different types of attraction signals than women. women generally tend to look. So to find out if a man is showing signs of attraction to you and find out if he really wants you, read below to be sure.

1. The most obvious first sign of male attraction is when the man tends to stare at you and does so by lingering in his gaze while turning puppy dog-eyed when he sees you. The man generally seeks eye contact with you and wants you to know that he is looking at you because he definitely likes the sight of him, he enjoys what he sees and can’t help but stare at you.

2. Another obvious sign is when he smiles at you when he sees you, and he may not smile regularly and tends not to smile at anyone but the woman who catches his eye. The man smiles at you because he wants you to smile back so that you realize that he exists and that he is smiling at you and at your presence in the room.

3. Finally, the best of all the signs of attraction that a man shows you is when the guy will also look closely at you, so he will look at you from the eyes, from the face to the chest, the body, the legs and even the feet while looking at your physical body in a sexual way. When men do this, they not only look at how sexy and cool you look in your outfit, but also how you would look if you were naked as they imagine you without your clothes and what it would be like to undo your buttons. blouse.

So be on the lookout for these signs of attraction a man displays that shows you that he is very interested in you and wants to be physical. The man will start by staring at you and trying to maintain eye contact, he will have a wide smile on his face when he sees you and finally he will stare at your whole body as he imagines what you are like when he is. he saw you