The latest technique in the cosmetic industry is Dermabrasion. You have inserted an instrument with a rough surface to remove the outermost layer of skin. This is used to improve the appearance and texture of the skin. This most promising and best treatment is suitable for getting rid of different skin disorders like scars, wrinkles, acne, dark spots and many others.

Why Dermabrasion?

It can give you an amazing effect to enhance the appearance along with the texture. It is also a cosmetic treatment that people who are going to undergo tattoo removal treatment opt ​​for. In fact, there are many people who love to get tattooed but there are few who are compelled to remove the tattoo due to many reasons.

Sometimes, work does not allow it since there are few professions that do not allow you to get tattooed. Still, tattoos are considered to be high-spirited and free-spirited and not considered fit for high-ranking and respected positions. Some people choose this to make some necessary changes in their life and the tattoo should reflect some message. Therefore, dermabrasion has become the most requested option both in terms of reliability and safety.

How does dermabrasion work?

Under this technique, the outer layer of the skin is scraped off with a brush that works with a deep density and at high speed. It is designed to reach under the skin where ink seeps. Like other tattoo removal techniques, dermabrasion requires more than one session to complete the removal process. This also makes the skin look clean, smooth and normal like before.

Dermabrasion treatment is the safest tattoo removal exercise chosen by numerous people who want to successfully remove their tattoos.

What to expect from post dermabrasion treatment

The process tears the outer layer of skin. This part may look raw and dull, while there may also be a chance of infection. Scars are the side effects, but there are also chances of other infections as it is an aggressive treatment. Still, this is one of the best and safest options for safe, easy and hassle-free tattoo removal.

How long will it take to heal?

It mostly takes a couple of weeks, but you may witness a reddened appearance in the treated areas for months to come. For at least six months, you may notice that your skin is itchy, red and swollen than the rest of your skin. This new skin will not take on the rest of the skin on your body, so it may look strange for the first few days. Usually after six months the effect wears off completely and you are left with no tattooed skin.

Who would not be eligible for treatment

This treatment is not recommended for those who are prone to keloids, scarring, and hyperpigmentation.