If you can’t say no to candy, cookies, and soda, you may be one of the millions of people addicted to sugar. For some people, sugar acts like a drug in the body and, like any other drug, can cause an initial high followed by withdrawal symptoms.

Symptoms of sugar addiction include:

  • intense cravings for sugar, refined carbohydrates, or alcohol
  • humor changes
  • anxiety
  • depression
  • irritability or anger
  • tired
  • Headaches
  • dizziness
  • feel better after eating sugar

It’s not just a lack of willpower, it’s really an addiction.

Studies have shown that sugar has an effect similar to that of cocaine, morphine, and other drugs of addiction. Eating large amounts of sugar releases a brain chemical called dopamine that makes you feel alert, energized, motivated, and enthusiastic. But over time, sugar reduces the brain’s sensitivity to dopamine and you start to get addicted to sugar: you need more dopamine just to feel normal and without a sugar hit to increase your dopamine production, you feel sluggish, tired, confused and testy.

If you’re addicted to sugar, it’s important to eliminate sugar from your diet completely to give your brain a chance to recover, but going sugar-free in the morning may seem unachievable. You may be wondering how you can get through the day without sugar and how you will deal with constant cravings. Fortunately, a program of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids can quickly stabilize blood sugar, eliminate cravings, and overcome withdrawal symptoms.

Many studies have shown that chromium stabilizes blood sugar levels and reduces cravings for sugar and refined carbohydrates. In one study, blood sugar was lowered by nearly 30 percent in participants taking 1,000 micrograms of chromium picolinate per day. Sugar, alcohol, and white flour reduce the body’s absorption of chromium, creating a vicious cycle: high sugar intake causes chromium deficiency, which contributes to blood sugar problems and exacerbates cravings. sugar. Chromium supplements can build up chromium levels and break the vicious cycle.

L-glutamine is an amino acid (a building block of protein) that the brain can use for fuel when blood sugar is low. It also helps stabilize blood sugar levels. 2 teaspoons taken three times a day between meals is usually enough to kill cravings, but if you still have cravings, try sprinkling some glutamine powder under your tongue and letting it dissolve; your cravings will disappear almost instantly.

Research has shown that 3,000 mcg per day of a B vitamin called biotin helps suppress cravings and stabilize blood sugar in people with low and high blood sugar levels. Additionally, zinc, vitamin E, several other B vitamins, and omega 3 fatty acids can help maintain blood sugar and reduce cravings.

Once you’ve overcome your cravings, you’ll find it much easier to switch to a healthy diet: avoid sugar and refined carbohydrates, eat plenty of protein, fresh fruits and vegetables, healthy fats, and moderate amounts of complex carbohydrates. Protein should be eaten at each meal, as it helps maintain blood sugar levels by stimulating the release of glucagon, a hormone that balances the action of insulin. Fresh fruits and vegetables provide a good supply of vitamins and minerals needed to keep blood sugar stable.

It’s important to avoid all forms of sugar, including so-called “healthy” alternatives such as brown sugar, honey, and dried fruit. Don’t be tempted to cheat: Your brain is sensitive to sugar, and having “just one” cookie or soda can be enough to trigger cravings, trigger a sugar binge, and start the craving-binge cycle all over again.

You will be surprised how different you will feel after a few weeks without sugar. Many people describe a feeling of calm and balance, relief from depression or anxiety, increased energy and better health, not to mention weight loss and an end to constant feelings of hunger. The next time you feel the urge for a sugar hit, reach for your l-glutamine instead and beat your sugar addiction.