Most women experience cramps and stress once a month when they have their period. Don’t smile and endure these difficult times. Life is too short to waste time dealing with mood swings. It doesn’t matter if it’s only once a month. We must enjoy each day that is given to us, so fight with yoga.

Yoga is the natural way to relieve cramps and cope with mood swings and a perfect exercise to relieve stress. It will help avoid mood swings. Once you lie down on a mat and begin to center yourself, you will experience a calming and calming effect. By taking a few moments to meditate and align your body and mind, you can let go of your stress. By accepting your emotions and feelings, you can overcome them.

Most women fall into a kind of fetal position when they have cramps, and this is actually the exact opposite of what you should be doing. Rolling into the fetal position during cramps leaves the muscles in your abdomen tense. This can actually make cramps worse.

It should also be noted that inversion poses should be avoided. Inversion poses will drain large amounts of energy. This energy should be directed towards cleansing the reproductive system.

There are alternative methods to benefit the lymphatic system such as inversions. For example, downward facing dog is acceptable. While Downward Facing Dog is technically considered an inversion, it’s not that strenuous. Any time your head is lower than your pelvis and legs, you help the lymphatic system.

By combining yoga and meditation postures, you can combat the adverse effects of menstruation. While menstruation is a natural cleansing process and a necessary part of every woman’s life, you can use the teachings of yoga to have an easier and more relaxed period.

For more helpful tips on how to have less stress during your period, here are some natural techniques for stress.