The type of woman men want to marry have some common qualities when it comes to attracting men. Whether you’re in a relationship or want to be in one, you need to know how to handle a man and keep him happy, especially if you want him to marry you. Being nice to a man or doing the things he wants to do is not enough to keep him interested. Some women believe that if they keep giving to a man, they can endear themselves to him. Other women believe in becoming irresistible to a man so that he will propose to her. What qualities or secrets do these women have that men want to marry? Let’s take a closer look at some of her techniques for keeping a man up and walking him down the aisle.

What makes a man fall in love

Don’t think that being nice or doing things for your man will make him think he can’t live without you. Trust me, you can never do enough for a man. Men don’t fall in love with the things you can do for them. Yes, some say that sacrificing yourself makes you more attractive to a man. I do not think so. Doing this will only make him see you as someone convenient, and that’s no way to start a marriage.

My grandmother used to say that men don’t necessarily fall in love with a woman they can live with, they fall in love with the woman they can’t live without. Men fall in love with how you make them feel when they’re together. They want to be around women who will challenge them, stand up for her and show her that she can’t be played with. Men like this because they also like to make their woman happy: she makes them feel good about themselves. The type of woman that men want to marry is the type of woman who knows how to recognize, accept, and appreciate the things a man does in a relationship.

become irresistible to men

One trait that women men want to marry seem to have in common is the ability to make themselves irresistible to a man. This is how you do it. Men want to win and they love a challenge. In their relationship, they want to win her heart. Give it to him freely and he is likely to walk away from you. Remember, you are valuable and your heart shouldn’t be easy to come by anyway. You want him to know that he will have to work a little to get you: you are his prize.

Now pay close attention here: resisting him means you don’t do everything he says, you don’t give in to him when he wants something. If you don’t like sports, don’t go to a sporting event with him just to be in his presence, to please him. In those moments when you are apart, he thinks of you and that is a good thing. Men fall in love when you’re not with them. Don’t offer resistance and he won’t see winning you as a challenge. Men just can’t resist a challenge.

What makes a man want to marry you

Many women seem to think that if they keep giving a man what he wants, he will eventually love them, maybe even marry them. Other women try to push or pressure a man into a relationship, perhaps even offering ultimatums or making threats. Don’t make the mistake that if you give yourself to a man, he will surely want to marry you. Trust me, that’s just not true. Yes, you should do things for him,

Women who love themselves first, who know who they are, know they are valuable, and trust all of this – these are the women men want to marry. Men fall in love with and marry women who don’t compromise their values ​​to be with a man. Men will respect and honor these qualities in a woman. When men respect you, the relationship becomes very strong. These women are strong, independent and energetic individuals who will stand up for themselves and never compromise principles or values. These are the women that men want to marry.