Throughout the day we are using our hands, and if we don’t take care of them, they can start to look older than they are. Hands withstand years of washing, daily use, sun and environmental factors, which make the skin on our hands dry and look older than its age.

Our skin can look younger and healthier for longer if we practice a good skincare routine, but unfortunately we don’t seem to give our hands the same attention as our face. Veins and bones become more visible as we age because the skin on our hands is thinner and more delicate than anywhere else, and just as we lose fat and collagen from our face and body, we also lose it from our hands , making them look older and skeletal.

Age spots are also called liver spots or sun spots, and these are areas of hyperpigmentation caused by UV exposure. Since UV exposure causes age spots, the best way to prevent them is to protect your hands from the sun by wearing sunscreen every day. Age spots can easily be made less visible with the use of skin bleaching agents, bleaching or lightening creams, or laser therapy.

  • Exfoliating the skin with a microdermabrasion treatment will remove dead skin cells and make your skin smoother and brighter, and can also help even out skin tone. When you exfoliate your face at home, you should apply the same product to your hands.
  • Always moisturize your hands after they have been in water. While they are still wet, apply an anti-aging moisturizer.
  • Chemical peels will remove dead skin and improve skin tone, smoothing skin and removing brown spots.
  • Laser treatments can promote collagen production, which will help plump the skin.
  • Dermal filler injections will correct volume loss on the backs of wrinkled hands. This will improve the quality of the skin and give volume back to your hands. A hyaluronic acid dermal filler treatment will add volume to the skin and leave it wrinkle-free.

These days we go to great lengths to take care of our bodies and faces, and more and more of us are opting for facials like botox, dermal fillers, and skin treatments to help us look younger and rejuvenated.

Some women care so much about their face looking good that they find their face and hands don’t match. Your hands can look much older than the rest of you, and the loss of volume, fat, and elasticity only accentuates the differences.